The General Epistle of Jude - Chapter 1 - Verse 25
Verse 25. To the only wise God. See Barnes "Ro 16:27"; See Barnes "1 Ti 1:17".

Our Saviour. The word Saviour may be appropriately applied to God as such, because he is the great Author of salvation, though it is commonly applied to the Lord Jesus Christ. That it may have been designed that it should be applied here to the Lord Jesus no one can certainly deny, nor can it be demonstrated that it was; and in these circumstances, as all that is fairly implied in the language may be applied to God as such, it is most natural to give the phrase that interpretation. Be glory and majesty. See Barnes "1 Ti 1:17"; See Barnes "Ro 16:17".

Dominion and power, etc. See Mt 6:13. It is common in the Scriptures to ascribe power, dominion, and glory to God, expressing the feeling that all that is great and good belongs to him, and the desire of the heart that he may reign in heaven and on earth. Comp. Re 4:11; Re 19:1. With the expression of such a desire it was not inappropriate that this epistle should be closed -- and it is not inappropriate that this volume should be closed with the utterance of the same wish. In all our affections and aspirations, may God be supreme; in all the sin and woe which prevail here below, may we look forward with strong desire to the time when his dominion shall be set up over all the earth; in all our own sins and sorrows, be it ours to look onward to the time when in a purer and happier world his reign may be set up over our own souls, and when we may cast every crown at his feet and say, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. -- Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God," Re 4:11; 19:1.

{g} "To" 1 Ti 1:17

the general epistle of jude 24
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