The First Epistle to the Thessalonians - Chapter 5 - Verse 28
Verse 28. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. See Barnes "Ro 16:20".

In regard to the subscription at the close of the epistle, purporting that it was written from Athens, see the Intro. paragraph 3. These subscriptions are of no authority; and the one here, like several others, is probably wrong.

From the solemn charge in 1 Th 5:27, of this chapter, that "this epistle should be read to all the holy brethren," that is, to the church at large, we may infer that it is in accordance with the will of God that all Christians should have free access to the Holy Scriptures. What was the particular reason for this injunction in Thessalonica, is not known; but it is possible that an opinion had begun to prevail, even then, that the Scriptures were designed to be kept in the hands of the ministers of religion, and that their common perusal was to be prohibited. At all events, whether this opinion prevailed then or not, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the Holy Spirit, by whom this epistle was dictated, foresaw that the time would come when this doctrine would be defended by cardinals, and popes, and councils; and that it would be one of the means by which the monstrous fabric of the Papacy would be sustained and perpetuated. It is worthy of remark, also, that the apostle Paul, in his epistles to the Thessalonians, has dwelt more fully on the fact that the great apostasy would occur under the Papacy, and on the characteristics of that grand usurpation over the rights of men, than he has anywhere else in his epistles. See 2 Th 2:11. It is no improbable supposition that with reference to that, and to counteract one of its leading dogmas, his mind was supernaturally directed to give this solemn injunction, that the contents of the epistle which he had written should be communicated without reserve to all the Christian brethren in Thessalonica. In view of this injunction, therefore, at the close of this epistle, we may remark,

(1.) that it is a subject of express Divine command that the people should have access to the Holy Scriptures. So important was this considered, that it was deemed necessary to enjoin those who should receive the word of God, under the solemnities of an oath, and by all the force of apostolic authority, to communicate what they had received to others. --

(2.) This injunction had reference to all the members of the church, for they were all to be made acquainted with the word of God. The command is, indeed, that it be "read" to them, but by parity of reasoning it would follow that it was to be in their hands; that it was to be accessible to them; that it was in no manner to be withheld from them. Probably many of them could not read, but in some way the contents of revelation were to be made known to them; and not by preaching only, but by reading the words of inspiration. No part was to be kept back: nor were they to be denied such access that they could fully understand it; nor was it to be insisted on that there should be an authorized expounder of it. It was presumed that all the members of the church were qualified to understand what had been written to them, and to profit by it. It follows, therefore,

(3.) that there is great iniquity in all those decisions and laws which are designed to keep the Scriptures from the common people. This is true

(a.) in reference to the Papal communion, and to all the ordinances there which prohibit the free circulation of the sacred volume among the people;

(b.) it is true of all those laws in slave-holding communities which prohibit slaves from being taught to read the Scriptures; and

(c.) it is true of all the opinions and dogmas which prevail in any community where the right of "private judgment" is denied, and where free access to the volume of inspiration is forbidden. The richest blessing of heaven to mankind is the Bible; and there is no book ever written so admirably adapted to the common mind, and so fitted to elevate the sunken, the ignorant, and the degraded. There is no more decided enemy of the progress of the human race in intelligence, purity, and freedom, than he who prevents the free circulation of this holy volume; and there is no sincerer friend of the species, than he who "causes it to be read by all," and who contribute to make it accessible to all the families and all the inhabitants of the world.

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