Verse 4. That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel. The word vessel here (skeuov) probably refers to the body. When it is so used, it is either because the body is frail and feeble, like an earthen vessel, easily broken 2 Co 4:7, or because it is that which contains the soul, or in which the soul is lodged. Lucret. Lib. iii.441. The word vessel also, (Heb. HEBREW Gr. skeuov,) was used by the later Hebrews to denote a wife, as the vessel of her husband Schcoettg. Hor. Heb. p.827. Comp. Wetstein in loc. Many, as Augustine, Wetstein, Scheettgen, Koppe, Robinson (Lex.), and others, have supposed that this is the reference here. Comp.1 Pe 3:7. The word body, however, accords more naturally with the usual signification of the word, and as the apostle was giving directions to the whole church, embracing both sexes, it is hardly probable that he confined his direction to those who had wives. It was the duty of females; and of the unmarried among the males, as well as of married men, to observe this command. The injunction then is, that we should preserve the body pure. See Barnes "1 Co 6:18-20". In sanctification and honour. Should not debase or pollute it; that is, that we should honour it as a noble work of God to be employed for pure purposes. See Barnes "1 Co 6:19". |