Verse 12. That ye would walk worthy of God, etc. That you would live in such a manner as would honour God, who has chosen you to be his friends. See Barnes "Eph 4:1". A child "walks worthy of a parent" when he lives in such way as to reflect honour on that parent for the method in which he has trained him; when he so lives as to bring no disgrace on him, so as not to pain his heart by misconduct, or so as to give no occasion to any to speak reproachfully of him. This he does, when (1.) he keeps all his commands; (2.) when he leads a life of purity and virtue; (3.) when he carries out the principles of the family into his own life; (4.) when he honours a father by evincing a profound respect for his opinions; and (5.) when he endeavours to provide for his comfort, and to promote his welfare. In a manner similar to this, a true Christian honours God. He lives so as not to bring a reproach upon him or his cause, and so as to teach the world to honour him who has bestowed such grace upon him. Who hath called you. See Barnes "1 Co 1:9". {c} "walk worthy" Eph 4:1 {d} "who hath" 1 Co 1:9 |