The First Epistle to the Thessalonians - Chapter 2 - Verse 9
Verse 9. Ye remember, brethren, our labour. Doubtless in the occupation of a tent-maker. See Barnes "Ac 20:34"; See Barnes "1 Co 4:12".

And travail. See Barnes "2 Co 11:27".

The word means wearisome labour.

For labouring night and day. That is, when he was not engaged in preaching the gospel. He appears to have laboured through the week, and to have preached on the Sabbath; or, if engaged in preaching in the day time during the week, he made it up by night labour.

We preached unto you the gospel of God. That is, I supported myself when I preached among you. No one, therefore, could say, that I was disposed to live in idleness; no one that I sought to make myself rich at the expense of others.

{b} "labour and travail" Ac 20:34,35; 1 Th 3:7,8

{++} "travail" "toil"

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