The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 3 - Verse 7
Verse 7. Any thing. This is to be taken comparatively. They are nothing ia comparison with God. Their agency is of no importance compared with his. See Barnes "1 Co 1:28".

It does mean that their agency ought not to be performed; that it is not important, and indispensable in its place; but that the honour is due to God. Their agency is indispensable. God could make seed or a tree grow if they were not planted in the earth. But he does not do it. The agency of the husbandman is indispensable in the ordinary operations of his providence. If he does not plant, God will not make the grain or the tree grow. God blesses his labours; he does not work a miracle. God attends effort with success; he does not interfere in a miraculous manner to accommodate the indolence of men. So in the matter of salvation. The efforts of ministers would be of no avail without God. They could do nothing in the salvation of the soul, unless he should give the increase. But their labours are as indispensable and as necessary, as are those of the farmer in the production of a harvest. And as every farmer could say, "my labours are nothing without God, who alone can give the increase," so it is with every minister of the gospel.

{a} "neither" Joh 15:5; 2 Co 12:9-11

the first epistle of paul 53
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