The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy - Chapter 5 - Verse 24
Verse 24. Some men's sins are open beforehand. This declaration, though it assumes a general form, is to be taken evidently in connection with the general subject of introducing men to the ministry 1 Ti 5:22 5:23

is to be regarded as a parenthesis. The apostle had given Timothy a charge 1 Ti 5:22 respecting the character of those whom he should ordain. He here says, in reference to that, that the character of some men was manifest. There was no disguise. It was evident to all what it was, and there could be no danger of mistake respecting it. Their conduct was apparent to all. About such men he ought not to hesitate a moment, and, no matter what their talents, or learning, or rank in the community, he ought to have no participation in introducing them to the ministry.

Going before to judgment. Their character is well understood. There is no need of waiting for the day of judgment to know what they are. Their deeds so precede their own appearance at the judgment-bar, that the record and the verdict can be made up before they arrive there, and there will be scarcely need even of the formality of a trial. The meaning here is, that there could be no doubt about the character of such men, and Timothy should not be accessory to their being introduced into the office of the ministry.

And some men they follow after. That is, their character is not fully understood here. They conceal their plans. They practise deception. They appear different from what they really are. But the character of such men will be developed, and they will be judged according to their works. They cannot hope to escape with impunity. Though they have endeavoured to hide their evil deeds, yet they will follow after them to the judgment-bar, and will meet them there. The meaning, in this connection, seems to be, that there ought to be circumspection in judging of the qualifications of men for the office of the ministry. It ought not to be inferred from favourable appearances at once, or on slight acquaintance, that they are qualified for the office -- for they may be of the number of those whose characters, now concealed or misunderstood, will be developed only on the final trial.

{b} "open beforehand" Ga 5:19

the first epistle of paul 526
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