The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 16 - Verse 12
Verse 12. As touching our brother Apollos. Tindal renders this, "To speak of brother Apollo." In regard to Apollos, See Barnes "1 Co 1:12".

His will was not at all to come at this time. It is probable that there were matters which detained him, or which required his presence in Ephesus. It is not known why Apollos had left Corinth, but it has been supposed that it was on account of the dissensions which existed there. For the same reason he might not be induced to return there while those dissensions lasted, and there might be employment which he had where he then was which rendered his presence there important. The Latin fathers say that Apollos did after this return to Corinth, when the religious differences had been settled. -- Bloomfield. It is probable that the Corinthians had requested, by the messengers who carried their letter to Paul, that either he or Apollos would come and visit them. Paul states, in reply, that he had endeavoured to prevail on Apollos to go, but had not succeeded.

He will come when he shall have convenient time. The Greek word means, when he should have leisure, or a good opportunity. He might then be engaged; or he might be unwilling to go while their contentions lasted. They had probably (1 Co 1:12) endeavoured to make him the head of a party, and on that account he might have been unwilling to return at present among them. But Paul assures them that he designed to come among them at some future time. This was said probably to show them that he still retained his affection for them, and had a tender solicitude for their peace and prosperity. Had this not been said, they might, perhaps, have inferred that he was offended, and had no desire to come among them.

{g} "Apollos, I greatly" 1 Co 1:12

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