The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 12 - Verse 8
Verse 8. For to one is given. In order to show what endowments he refers to, the apostle here particularizes the various gifts which the Holy Spirit imparts in the church.

By the Spirit. By the Holy Ghost; by his agency on the mind and heart.

The word of wisdom. One he has endowed with wisdom, or has made distinguished for wise, and prudent, and comprehensive views of the scheme of redemption, and with a faculty of clearly explaining it to the apprehension of men. It is not certain that the apostle meant to say that this was the most important or most elevated endowment because he places it first in order. His design does not seem to be to observe the order of importance and value; but to state, as it occurred to him, the fact that these various endowments had been conferred on different men in the church. The sense is, that one man would be prominent and distinguished as a wise man -- a prudent counsellor, instructor, and adviser.

To another the word of knowledge. Another would be distinguished for knowledge. He would be learned; would have a clear view of the plan of salvation, and of the doctrines and duties of religion. The same variety is observed in the ministry at all times. One man is eminent as a wise man; another as a man of intelligence and knowledge; and both may be equally useful in their place in the church.

By the same Spirit. All is to be traced to the same Spirit; all, therefore, may be really useful and necessary; and the one should not pride himself in his endowments above the other.

{c} "the word of wisdom" Isa 11:2,3 {d} "to another" 1 Co 2:6,7 {e} "by the same Spirit" 1 Co 13:2

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