Verse 3. Mine answer. Greek, emh apologia My apology; my defence. The same word occurs in Ac 22:1; 25:16; 2 Co 7:11; Php 1:7,17; 2 Ti 4:16 1 Pe 3:15. See Barnes "Act 22:1". Here it means his answer or defence against those who sat in judgment on his claims to be an apostle. To them that do examine me. To those who inquire of me; or who censure and condemn me as not having any claims to the apostolic office. The word used here (anakrinw) is properly a forensic term, and is usually applied to judges in courts; to those who sit in judgment, and investigate and decide in litigated cases brought before them, Lu 23:14; Ac 4:9; 12:19; 24:8. The apostle here may possibly allude to the arrogance and pride of those who presumed to sit as judges on his qualification for the apostolic office. It is not meant that this answer had been given by Paul before this, but that this was the defence which he had to offer. Is this. This which follows; the statements which are made in the following verses. In these statements (1 Co 9:4-6, etc.) he seems to have designed to take up their objections to his apostolic claims one by one, and to show that they were of no force. |