The Epistle to the Romans - Chapter 15 - Verse 24
Verse 24. Whensoever I take my journey into Spain. Ancient Spain comprehended the modem kingdoms of Spain and Portugal, or the whole of the Spanish peninsula. It was then subject to the Romans. It is remarkable, even here, that the apostle does not say that his principal object was to visit the church at Rome, much as he desired that, but only to take it in his way in the fulfillment of his higher purpose to preach the gospel in regions where Christ was not named. Whether he ever fulfilled his purpose of visiting Spain is a matter of doubt. Some of the fathers, Theodoret (on Php 1:25; 2 Ti 4:17) among others, say that after he was released from his captivity, when he was brought before Nero, he passed two years in Spain. If he was imprisoned a second time at Rome, such a visit is not improbable as having taken place between the two imprisonments. But there is no certain evidence of this. Paul probably projected many journeys which were never accomplished.

To be brought on my way, etc. To be assisted by you in regard to this journey; or to be accompanied by you. This was the custom of the churches, Ac 15:3; 17:14,16; 20:38; 21:5; 1 Co 16:6,11; 3 Jo 1:6.

If first, etc. If on my journey, before I go into Spain.

Somewhat. Greek, In part. As though he could not be fully satisfied with their company, or could not hope to enjoy their society as fully and as long as he could desire. This is a very tender and delicate expression.

Filled. This is a strong expression, meaning to be satisfied, to enjoy. To be filled with a thing is to have great satisfaction and joy in it.

With your company. Greek, With you; meaning, in your society. The expression to be filled with one, in the sense of being gratified, is sometimes used in the classic writers. (See Clarke on this verse.)

{f} "brought on my way" Ac 15:3; 3 Jo 1:6 {1} "with your company" "with you"

the epistle to the romans 396
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