The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians - Chapter 4 - Verse 3
Verse 3. Withal. With all the supplications which you offer for other persons and things; or at the same time that you pray for them.

Praying also for us. See Barnes "Eph 6:19,20".

Comp.2 Co 1:11; Php 1:19; Heb 13:18,19.

That God would open unto us a door of utterance. To preach the gospel. He earnestly desired to have liberty to: preach the gospel, and asked them to pray that this might be restored to him. See Barnes "Eph 6:19".

To speak the mystery of Christ. Called, in Eph 6:19, the "mystery of the gospel. See Barnes "Eph 6:19".

For which I am also in bonds. A prisoner at Rome, See Barnes "Eph 6:20".

{+} "praying" "praying at the same time" {d} "open unto us" 2 Th 3:1

the epistle of paul to 79
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