The Epistle of Paul to the Colossians - Chapter 2 - Verse 12
Verse 12. Buried with him in baptism. See Barnes "Ro 6:4".

Wherein also. In which ordinance, or by virtue of that which is signified by the ordinance.

Ye are risen with him. From the death of sin to the life of religion. See Barnes "Ro 6:4, See Barnes "Ro 6:5, See Barnes "Eph 2:5, See Barnes "Eph 2:6".

Through the faith of the operation of God. By a firm belief on the agency of God in raising him up; that is, a belief of the fact that God has raised him from the dead. The resurrection of Christ is often represented as the foundation of all our hopes; and, as he was raised from the grave to die no more, so, in virtue of that, we are raised from the death of sin to eternal spiritual life. The belief of this is shown by our baptism, whatever be the mode in which that ordinance is performed, and as well shown in one mode as another.

{d} "Buried" Ro 6:4,5 {e} "operation of God" Eph 1:19

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