The Epistle of Paul to Titus - Chapter 3 - Verse 14
Verse 14. And let ours. Our friends; that is, those who were Christians. Paul had just directed Titus to aid Zenas and Apollos himself; and he here adds that he wished that others who were Christians would be characterized by good works of all kinds.

To maintain good works. Marg., profess honest trades. The Greek will admit of the interpretation in the margin, or will include that; but there is no reason why the direction should be supposed to have any peculiar reference to an honest mode of livelihood, or why it should be confined to that. It rather means, that they should be distinguished for good works, including benevolent deeds, acts of charity, honest toil, and whatever would enter into the conception of an upright life. See Barnes "Tit 3:8".

For necessary uses. Such as are required by their duty to their families, and by the demands of charity. Tit 3:8.

That they be not unfruitful. That it may be seen that their religion is not barren and worthless, but that it produces a happy effect on themselves and on society. See Barnes "Joh 15:16"; See Barnes "Eph 4:28".

{1} "maintain" "profess honest trades" {a} "good works" Tit 3:8

the epistle of paul to 139
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