The Epistle of Paul to Titus - Chapter 1 - Verse 10
Verse 10. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers. There are many persons who are indisposed to submit to authority, (see the word unruly in Tit 1:6;) many who are vain talkers -- who are more given to talk, than to the duties of practical religion, (see the character of "Talkative," in the Pilgrim's Progress;) and many who live to deceive others under the mask of religion. They make great pretensions to piety; they are fluent in argument, and they urge their views in a plausible manner.

Specially they of the circumcision. Jews, spoken of here as "of the circumcision" particularly, because they urged the necessity of circumcision in order that men might be saved. See Barnes "Ac 15:1".

This proves that there were not a few Jews in the island of Crete.

{a} "talkers" Jas 1:26

the epistle of paul to 104
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