The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews - Chapter 13 - Verse 15
Verse 15. By him therefore. The Jews approached God by the blood of the sacrifice, and by the ministry of their high priest. The exhortation of the apostle here is founded on the general course of argument in the epistle. "In view of all the considerations presented respecting the Christian High Priest -- his dignity, purity, and love, his sacrifice and his intercession -- let us persevere in offering through him praise to God." That is, let us persevere in adherence to our religion.

The sacrifice of praise. For all the mercies of redemption. The Jews, says Rosenmuller, (Alte u. neue Morgenland, in loc.,) had a species of offerings which they called peace -- offerings, or friendship-offerings. They were designed not to produce peace or friendship with God, but to preserve it. Burnt-offerings, sin-offerings, and trespass-offerings, were all on account of transgression, and were designed to remove transgression. But in their peace-offerings, the offerer was regarded as one who stood in the relation of a friend with God, and the oblation was a sign of thankful acknowledgment for favours received; or they were connected with vows in order that further blessings might be obtained; or they were brought voluntarily as a means to continue themselves in the friendship and favour of God, Le 7:11,12. Comp. Jenning's Jew. Ant. i.335.

That is, the fruit of our lips. The phrase, "fruit of the lips," is a Hebraism, meaning what the lips produce; that is, words. Comp. Pr 18:20; Hos 14:2.

Giving thanks to his name. To God; the name of one being often put for the person himself. Praise now is one of the great duties of the redeemed. It Will be their employment for ever.

{e} "him" Eph 5:29 {f} Hos 14:2 {1} "giving thanks to his name" "make expiation for"

the epistle of paul the 441
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