The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 28 - Verse 15
Verse 15. And from thence. From Puteoli.

When the brethren heard of us. The Christians who were at Rome.

As far as Appii forum. This was a city about fifty-six miles from Rome. The remains of an ancient city are still seen there. It is on the borders of the Pontine marshes. The city was built on the celebrated Appian way, or road from Rome to Capua. The road was made by Appius Claudius, and probably the city also. It was called the forum or market-place of Appius, because it was a convenient place for travellers on the Appian way to stop for purposes of refreshment. It was also a famous resort for pedlars and merchants. See Horace, b. i. sat.5.3.

And The three taverns. This place was about eight or ten miles nearer Rome than Appii forum. Cicero ad Att. ii.10. It undoubtedly received its name because it was distinguished as a place of refreshment on the Appian way. Probably the greater part of the company of Christians remained at this place, while the remainder went forward to meet Paul, and to attend him of his way. The Christians at Rome had doubtless heard much of Paul. His epistle to them had been written about A. D.57, or at least five years before this time. The interest which the Roman Christians felt in the apostle was thus manifested by their coming so far to meet him, though he was a prisoner.

He thanked God. He had long ardently desired to see the Christians of Rome, Ro 1:9-11; 15:23,32.

He was now grateful to God that the object of his long desire was at last granted to him, and that he was permitted to see them, though in bonds.

And took courage. From their society and counsel. The presence and counsel of Christian brethren is often of inestimable value in encouraging and strengthening us in the toils and trials of life.

{e} "came to meet us" Ac 21:5; 3 Jo 1:6,8

{f} "courage" Jos 1:6,7,9; 1 Sa 30:6; Ps 27:14

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