The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 21 - Verse 39
Verse 39. A Jew of Tarsus. A Jew by birth. See Barnes "Ac 9:11".

Of no mean city. Not obscure, or undistinguished. He could claim an honourable birth, so far as the place of his nativity was concerned. See Barnes "Ac 9:11".

Tarsus was much celebrated fro its learning, and was at one time the rival of Alexandria and Athens. Xenophon calls it a great and flourishing city. Anabasis. Josephus (Antiq. b. i. chap vi & 6) says that it was the metropolis and most renowned city among them. [the Cilicians.]

{f} "Paul said" Ac 9:11; 22:3 {g} "a citizen" Ac 22:25

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