The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 20 - Verse 15
Verse 15. Over against. Opposite to. Into the neighborhood of, or near to it.

Chios, called also Coos, an island in the Archipelago, between Lesbos and Samos. It is on the coast of Asia Minor, and is now called Scio. It will long be remembered now as the seat of a dreadful massacre of almost all its inhabitants by the Turks in 1823.

At Samos. This was also an island of the Archipelago, lying off the coast of Lydia, from which it is separated by a narrow strait. These islands were celebrated among the ancients for their extraordinary wines.

Trogyllium. This was the name of a town and promontory of Ionia in Asia Minor, between Ephesus and the mouth of the river Meander, opposite to Samos. The promontory is a spur of Mount Mycale.

Miletus. Called also Miletum. It was a city and seaport, and the ancient capital of Ionia. It was originally composed of a colony of Cretians. It became extremely powerful, and sent out colonies to a great number of cities on the Euxine Sea. It was distinguished for a magnificent temple dedicated to Apollo. It is now called, by the Turks, Melas. It was the birthplace of Thales, one of the seven wise men of Greece. It was about forty or fifty miles from Ephesus.

{+} "tarried" "remained"

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