The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 19 - Verse 33
Verse 33. And they drew Alexander. Who this Alexander was, is not known. Grotius supposes that it was "Alexander the coppersmith," who had in some way done Paul much harm, 2 Ti 4:14; and whom, with Philetas, Paul had excommunicated. He supposes that it was a device of the Jews to put forward one who had been of the Christian party, in order to accuse Paul, and to attempt to cast the odium of the tumult on him. But it is not clear that the Alexander whom Paul had excommunicated was the person concerned in this transaction. All that appears in this narrative is, that Alexander was one who was known to be a Jew; and who wished to defend the Jews from being regarded as the authors of this tumult. It would be supposed by the heathen that the Christians were only a sect of the Jews; and the Jews wished doubtless to show that they had not been concerned in giving occasion to this tumult, but that it was to be traced wholly to Paul and his friends.

The Jews putting him forward. That he might have a convenient opportunity to speak to the people.

Would have made his defence. Our translation, by the phrase "his defence," would seem to imply that he was personally accused. But it was not so. The Greek is simply, "was about to apologize to the people" that is, to make a defence, not of himself particularly, but of the Jews in general. The translation should have been "a defence."

{g} "Alexander" 1 Ti 1:20

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