The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 18 - Verse 21
Verse 21. Keep this feast. Probably the passover is here referred to. Why he was so anxious to celebrate that feast at Jerusalem, the historian has not informed us. It is probable, however, that he wished to meet as many of his countrymen as possible, and to remove, if practicable, the prejudices which had everywhere been raised against him, Ac 21:20,21. Perhaps, also, he supposed that there would be many Christian converts present, whom he might meet also.

But I will return, etc. This he did, Ac 19:1, and remained there three years, Ac 20:31.

{b} "Jerusalem" Ac 19:21; 20:16 {c} "if God will" 1 Co 4:19; Jas 4:15

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