The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 2 - Verse 7
Verse 7. Galilaeans. Inhabitants of Galilee. It was remarkable that they should speak in this manner, because

(1) they were proverbially ignorant, rude, and uncivilized, Joh 1:46. Hence the term Galilaeans was used as an expression of the deepest reproach and contempt, Mr 14:70; Joh 7:52.

(2.) Their dialect was proverbially barbarous and corrupt, Mr 14:70; Mt 26:73. They were regarded as an outlandish people, unacquainted with other nations and languages, and hence the amazement that they could address them in the refined language of other people. Their native ignorance was the occasion of making the miracle more striking. The native weakness and inability of Christian ministers makes the grace and glory of God more remarkable in the success of the gospel. "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us," 2 Co 4:7. The success which God often grants to those who are of slender endowments and of little learning, though blessed with a humble and pious heart, is often amazing to the men of the world. "God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise," 1 Co 1:27. This should teach us that no talent or attainment is too humble to be employed for mighty purposes, in its proper sphere, in the kingdom of Christ, and that pious effort may accomplish much, may awe and amaze the world, and then burn in heaven with increasing lustre for ever; while pride, and learning, and talent may blaze uselessly among men, or kindle up the worst passions of our nature, and then be extinguished in eternal night.

{a} "Galilaeans" Ac 1:11

the acts of the apostles 32
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