The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 8 - Verse 16
Verse 16. He was fallen. This expression is several times applied to the Holy Spirit, Ac 10:44; 11:15. It does not differ materially from the common expression, "the Holy Ghost descended." It means that he came from heaven; and the expression to fall, applied to his influences, denotes the rapidity and suddenness of his coming. Comp. Ac 19:2.

In the name of the Lord Jesus. See Barnes "Ac 2:38".

See also Ac 10:48; 19:5,6.

{a} "as yet" Ac 19:2 {b} "were baptized" Ac 2:38; 10:48; 19:5,6; 1 Co 1:13

{*} "in the name" "unto"

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