The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 6 - Verse 10
Verse 10. To resist. That is, they were not able to answer his arguments.

The wisdom. This properly refers to his knowledge of the Scriptures; his skill in what the Jews esteemed to be wisdom -- acquaintance with their sacred writings, opinions, etc.

And the spirit. This has been commonly understood of the Holy Spirit, by which, he was aided; but it rather means the energy, power, or ardour of Stephen. He evinced a spirit of zeal and sincerity which they could not withstand; which served, more than mere argument could have done, to convince them that he was right. The evidence of sincerity, honesty, and zeal in a public speaker, will often go farther to convince the great mass of mankind, than the most able argument, if delivered in a cold and indifferent manner.

{a} "able to resist" Lu 21:15

the acts of the apostles 187
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