The Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 6 - Verse 6
Verse 6. And when they had prayed. Invoking in this manner the blessing of God on them to attend them in the discharge of the duties of their office.

They laid their hands, etc. Among the Jews it was customary to lay hands on the head of a person who was set apart to any particular office, Nu 27:18; comp. Ac 8:19. This was done, not to impart any power or ability, but to designate that they received their authority, or commission, from those who thus laid their hands on them, as the act of laying hands on the sick by the Saviour was an act signifying that the power of healing came from him, Mt 9:18; comp. Mr 16:18. In this case the laying on of the hands conveyed of itself no healing power, but was a sign or token that the power came from the Lord Jesus. Ordination has been uniformly performed in this way. See 1 Ti 5:22. Though the seven deacons had been chosen by the church to this work, yet they derived their immediate commission and authority from the apostles.

{d} "when they prayed" Ac 1:24; 13:3 {e} "laid their hand" Ac 9:17; 1 Ti 4:14; 5:22; 2 Ti 1:6

the acts of the apostles 183
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