Revelation of St. John the Divine - Chapter 21 - Verse 11
Verse 11. Having the glory of God. A glory or splendour such as became the dwelling-place of God. The nature of that splendour is described in the following verses.

And her light. In Re 21:23 it is said that "the glory of God did lighten it." That is, it was made light by the visible symbol of the Deity -- the Shekinah. See Barnes on "Lu 2:9"; See Barnes "Ac 9:3".

The word here rendered light -- fwsthr -- occurs nowhere else in the New Testament except in Php 2:15. It means, properly, a light, a light-giver, and, in profane writers, means commonly a window. It is used here to denote the brightness or shining of the Divine glory, as supplying the place of the sun, or of a window.

Like unto a stone most precious. A stone of the richest or most costly nature.

Even like a jasper stone. On the jasper, see Barnes on "Re 4:3".

It is used there for the same purpose as here, to illustrate the majesty and glory of God.

Clear as crystal. Pellucid or resplendent like crystal. There are various kinds of jasper -- as red, yellow, and brown, brownish yellow, etc. The stone is essentially a quartz, and the word crystal here is used to show that the form of it referred to by John was clear and bright.

{m} "glory of God" Isa 60:1,2

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