Revelation of St. John the Divine - Chapter 21 - Verse 5
Verse 5. And he that sat upon the throne said. Probably the Messiah, the dispenser of the rewards of heaven. See Barnes on "Re 20:11".

Behold, I make all things new. A new heaven and new earth, (Re 21:1,) and an order of things to correspond with that new creation. The former state of things when sin and death reigned will be changed, and the change consequent on this must extend to everything.

And he said unto me, Write. Make a record of these things, for they are founded in truth, and they are adapted to bless a suffering world. Compare Barnes on "Re 14:13".

See also Re 1:19.

For these words are true and faithful. They are founded in truth, and they are worthy to be believed. See Barnes on "Re 19:9".

Compare also Barnes on "Da 12:4".

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