Revelation of St. John the Divine - Chapter 17 - Verse 17
Verse 17. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will. That is, in regard to the destruction of this mighty power. They would be employed as his agents in bringing about his designs. Kings and princes are under the control of God, and, whatever may be their own designs, they are in fact employed to accomplish his purposes, and are instruments in his hands. See Barnes "Isa 10:7".

And to agree. See Re 17:13. That is, they act harmoniously in their support of this power, and so they will in its final destruction.

And give their kingdom unto the beast. Barnes on "Re 17:13".

Until the words of God shall be fulfilled. Not for ever; not as a permanent arrangement. God has fixed a limit to the existence of this power. When his purposes are accomplished, these kingdoms will withdraw their support, and this mighty power will fall to rise no more.

{m} "For God hath" Ac 4:27,28 {n} "fulfilled" Re 10:7

revelation of st john the 294
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