Ephesians - Chapter 4 - Verse 10
Verse 10. He that descended is the same also that ascended. The same Redeemer came down from God, and returned to him. It was not a different being, but the same.

Far above all heavens. See Barnes "Eph 1:20-23".

Comp. Heb 7:26. He is gone above the visible heavens, and has ascended into the highest abodes of bliss. See Barnes "2 Co 12:2".

That he might fill all things. Marg., fulfil. The meaning is, "that he might fill all things by his influence", and direct and overrule all by his wisdom and power." Doddridge. See Barnes "Eph 1:23".

{2} "fill all things" Eph 1:23.

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