Ephesians - Chapter 2 - Verse 5
Verse 5. Even when we were dead in sins. See Barnes "Eph 2:1".

Comp. Ro 5:8. The construction here is -- "God, who is rich in mercy, on account of the great love which he bare unto us, even being dead in sin, hath quickened us," etc. It does not mean that he quickened us when we were dead in sin, but that he loved us then, and made provision for our salvation. It was love to the children of wrath; love to those who had no love to return to him; love to the alienated and the lost. That is true love -- the sincerest and the purest benevolence -- love, not like that of men, but such only as God bestows. Man loves his friend, his benefactor, his kindred -- God loves his foes, and seeks to do them good.

Hath quickened us. Hath made us alive. Eph 2:1.

Together with Christ. In connexion with him; or in virtue of his being raised up from the grave. The meaning is, that there was such a connexion between Christ and those whom the Father had given to him, thai his resurrection from the grave involved their resurrection to spiritual life. It was like raising up the head and the members -- the whole body together. See Barnes "Ro 6:5".

Everywhere in the New Testament, the close connexion of the believer with Christ is affirmed. We are crucified with him. We die with him. We rise with him. We live with him. We reign with him. We are joint heirs with him. We share his sufferings on earth, (1 Pe 4:13;) and we share his glory with him on his throne, Re 3:21.

By grace ye are saved. Marg., by whose. See Barnes "Ro 3:24".

Paul's mind was full of the subject of salvation by grace, and he throws it in here, even in an argument, as a point which he would never have them lose sight of. The subject before him was one eminently adapted to bring this truth to mind; and though, in the train of his arguments, he had no time now to dwell on it, yet he would not suffer any opportunity to pass without referring to it.

{a} "when we were dead" Ro 5:6,8,10

{*} "quickened us" "made us alive" {1} "by grace" "by whose" {b} "ye are saved" Ro 3:24

ephesians - chapter 2 - 4
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