Acyndinus, [1]21. Adjurations, [2]22. Adoption of sons, [3]32, [4]39. Adultery, [5]15 sqq. Adversary, who is the, [6]14. Alms, [7]35; what is meant by the "left hand," [8]36. Altar, meaning of, [9]12. Ananias, [10]28. Anger, [11]11. Anxiety, [12]41, [13]50, [14]53. Augustin, as an exegete, [15]vii; authority of, in the Middle Ages, [16]vii; knowledge of Hebrew, [17]viii; knowledge of Punic, [18]49; and the Vulgate, [19]ix; examples of critical notation, [20]ix; many interpretations of Scripture, [21]x; and a Bible Dictionary, [22]x; use of allegory, [23]xi. Battus, [24]37 (note). Body, serving the, [25]9. Bushel measure, [26]9. Cana, miracle of, [27]x. Christ, second coming of, [28]40; traditional saying of, [29]52 (note); the rock, [30]63. Christians, equality of, [31]39. Clement quoted, [32]14 (note). Commandments, the least, [33]11. Cyprian quoted, [34]38 (note). Daily bread, what it is, [35]42, [36]46. Devil, the, [37]14; speaking with God, [38]44. Divorce, [39]17-22; Woolsey on, [40]22 (note). Earth, meaning of, [41]4, [42]5 (note), [43]39. Elijah inflicting punishments, [44]28. Enemies to be loved, [45]18, [46]29, [47]30. Farrar on Augustin as an exegete, [50]vii. Farthing, the uttermost, [51]13, [52]43. Fasting, [53]47. Fornication, [56]16, [57]17, [58]18, [59]20. God, omnipresence of, [62]15, [63]40; Fatherhood of, [64]39; name of, [65]40; kingdom of, [66]40; speaking with Satan, [67]44; agency in temptation, [68]45; providential care of, [69]50. Golden Rule, [70]59. Good for evil, [71]26, [72]27. Gregory on Job, [73]xi. Heart, purpose of, [74]48; a pure, [75]5, [76]34. Heaven, [77]8, [78]18, [79]23, [80]39, [81]40, [82]41. Hillel quoted, [83]59 (note). Holy Spirit, sevenfold operation of, [84]6, [85]63; sin against, [86]31; fruits of, [87]61. Hypocrisy, [90]35, [91]55, [92]62. Imprecation used for predicting future events, [93]30. Influence, hiding, [94]9. Injuries, treatment of, [95]14, [96]25, [97]28 sq. Iota, [98]10. Joy, Christian, [99]61, [100]62. Judgment, the, [101]11. Judgments, human, [102]54, [103]55. Kingdom of God, [104]40. Law, keeping the, [105]10; sum of the, [106]59; sueing at the, [107]26. Left hand, meaning of, [108]35, [109]36. Light of the world, [110]9. Lord's Prayer, [111]38 sqq., [112]45. Lord's Supper. See [113]Eucharist. Love, for enemies, [114]18, [115]30; for neighbour, [116]29. Luther quoted, [117]36 (note), [118]38 (note). Maimonides quoted, [119]29 (note). Manichæans refuted, [120]vii, [121]28, [122]60. Marriage, [123]17, [124]19-22. Meek, the, [125]4. Merciful, the, [126]5. Mount, meaning of, [127]4; on which Sermon was delivered, [128]4 (note); the Sermon on, as a standard of life, [129]3; purpose of, [130]3 (note). Mourn, they that, [131]5. Murder, [132]11. Natures, not two original, [133]60. Oaths, [134]22, [135]23 (note). Obedience to God's will, [136]41. Offerings at the altar, [137]12. Origen quoted, [138]52 (note). Paraclete, the, [139]5. Paul reviling the high priest, [140]25. Peacemakers, the, [141]5. Persecution, [142]7. Prayer, secret, [143]37; standing posture in, [144]37 (note), [145]39; efficacy of, [146]38; facing the east in, [147]39; Mahometan's, [148]43; the Lord's, [149]38 sqq. Preaching, aim of, not a livelihood, [150]51. Providence, [153]50. Punishment, for sin, [154]13; degrees of, [155]27; inflicted by mortals, [156]28; corporeal, [157]28. Purity of heart, [158]5, [159]35. Reconciliation, [162]12, [163]14. Renan, testimony to the Sermon on the Mount, [164]3 (note); on slavery, [165]25 (note). Reuss on Augustin as an exegete, [166]vii. Reviling, [169]8. Righteousness, [170]10; of the Pharisees, [171]11. Rupert of Deutz quoted, [172]vii. Salt, savorless, [173]8. Sanctification, perfect, [174]33 (note). Septuagint, Augustin' s reverence for, [175]viii. Sermon on the Mount. See [176]Mount. Simon, Père, on Augustin as an exegete, [177]vii. Sin, degrees of, [178]12; three stages in, [179]15, [180]16; forgiveness of, [181]43. Slavery, [182]26. South, Robert, quoted, [183]16 (note), [184]48 (note). Susannah tempted, [185]44. Symmachus, version of, [186]viii. Temptation, [187]43; agent in, [188]44, [189]45. Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, [190]4 (note), [191]38 (note), [192]42 (note), [193]47 (note), [194]59 (note). Tertullian quoted, [195]38 (note). Theodotion, version of, [196]viii. Thomas, legend of, [197]28. Tichonius, rules of, [198]x. Tittle, [199]10. Trench on Augustin as an exegete, [200]vii. Tunic, [201]26. Universalists, [202]13 (note). Unjust judge, the, [203]50. Webster, Daniel, testimony to the Sermon on the Mount, [204]3 (note). Works, good, [205]9. World, meaning of, [206]9. |