A. Main Collected Editions of the works of Thomas Aquinas.

Opera Omnia. Editio Piana, or Vaticana (First Roman edition. Ed. Vincentius Justinianus et Thomas Manriques), iussu S. Pii v, Rome 1570.

Opera Omnia, . . . apud Dominicum Nicolinum et Socios, Venice 1593-1594.

Opera Omnia, . . . apud Joannem Keerbergium, Antwerp 1610 and 1624.

Opera Omnia, apud Societatem Bibliopolarum. Partim a Joanne Nicolai ex ordine Patribus Praedicatorum, partim ab aliis Patribus eiusdem ordine emendata, Paris 1660-1664.

Opera. Editio altera Veneta, Venice 1745-1760, 1765-1788.

Opera Omnia. Parma, 1852-1873.

Opera Omnia (Ed. E. Frette et P. Mare), Paris 1872-1880.

Opera Omnia (The Leonine Edition), Iussu impensaque Leonis xiii, 1882-1948.

B. Editions of separate works.

Summa Theologica (Ed. R. P. F.Joannes Nicolaius), Paris 1663.

Summa Theologica, & Quaestiones Quadlibetales, cum commentariis Thomae de Vio, Card. Cajetani, et elicidationibus literalibus P. Seraphini Capponi a Pomecta, Rome 1773.

Summa Theologica. Accurante et denuo recognescente J. P. Migne editorem, et Garnier Fratres editores et J. P. Migne successores, Paris 1858, 1872-1877.

Summa Theologica, diligenter emendata Hiedai Sylvii, Billuart, et C. J. Drioux. Edit, nona, London 1874.

Summa Theologica (Ed. Foucher), Paris (Lethiellieux) 3rd ed.1924.

Summa Theologica, cura et studio Collegii Prov. Tolosanae Paris (Blot) 1926-1935.

Summa Theologica, diligenter emendata, De Rubeis, Billuart et aliorum notis selectis ornata, Turin (Marietti) 1932.

St. Thomae de Aquino Ordinis Praedicatorum Summa Theologiae cur a et studio Instituti Studiorum Mediaevalum Ottaviensis, ad textum S. Pii v, Ottawa 1941-1945.

Summa Theologica, cura et studio P. Caramello, cum textu ex recensione leonina, Turin 1948-1950.

Summa Contra Gentiles, Paris 1878.

Summa Contra Gentiles, Rome (Forzani) 1927.

Summa Contra Gentiles. Editio Leonina manualis, Rome (Desclee-Herder) 1934.

Opuscula omnia genuina . . . (Ed. P. Mandonnet), Paris (Lethellieux) 1927.

Quaestiones Disputatae (Ed. P. Mandonnet), Paris (Lethellieux) 1925.

Questiones Quadlibetales (Ed. P. Mandonnet cum Introd.), Paris (Lethellieux) 1927.

Quaestiones Disputatae et Questiones Quadlibetales, Turin (Marietti) 1927.

C. Translations of the Summa Theologica.

The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas. Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province (second and revised edition), London (Burns, Oates & Benziger) 1912-1936; (Burns, Oates & Washbourne) 1923.

S. Thomas D'Aquin. Somme Theologique. Texte latin et traduction française (Direct. M. Gillet), Paris (Ed. Rev des Jeunes) 1925.

S. Thomae Aquin. Die deutsche Thomas Ausgabe. Vollständige ungekurzte deutschlateinische Gesamtausgabe der Summa Theologica des hl. Thomas von Aquin. Uebersetzt von den Dominikanern und Benedictinern Deutschlands und Oesterreichs; herausgegeben vom Katholischen Akademikerverband, Salzburg-Leipzig (Pustet) 1933.

Thomas von Aquin. Summe der Theologie. Herausgegeben von J. Bernhart. Bd.1, Leipzig (Kroner) 1934; Bd.3 Stuttgart (Kroner) 1938.

Theologische Summa van den H. Thomas van Aquin. Latijnische en Nederlandsche Tekst uitgegeven door een groep Dominicanen, Antwerp 1927. Incomplete.

S. Tommaso d'Aquin. Somma Teologica. Antologia. Introd. trad. e note di N. Petruzzellis, Bari (Laterza) 1936.

S. Thomae Aquin. Summa Theologica (Tr. (partial) P. Hortynski), Krakow 1927-1933.

S. Thomas de Aquin. Suma teologica. Primeira tradução portuguesa (Accompanhado do texto latino), São Paulo (Odeon). Incomplete.

Tch'ao Sing Shue Yao. Zi-ka-wei, Shanghai.1930. A revision by Shanghai Jesuits of Father Buglio's seventeenth-century partial Chinese version of the Summa Theologica.

D. Other translations in English.

Aquinas Ethicus, or, the Moral Teaching of St. Thomas. A translation of the principal portions of the second part of the Summa Theologica, by J. Rickaby, London (Burns Oates) 1896.

Basic Writings of St. Thomas. Selected works in English (Ed. A. C. Pegis), New York (Random House) 1945.

Concerning Being and Essence. Tr. G. G. Leckie. New York (Appleton) 1937.

Of God and His Creatures. An abridged translation of S. Contra Gentiles. by J. Rickaby, London (Longmans) 1924.

On Being and Essence (Tr. C. C. Reidl), Toronto (St. Michael's College) 1934.

On the Governance of Rulers (Tr. G. B. Phelan), Toronto (St. Michael's College) 1935.

On the Power of God (Tr. L. Shapcote), London (Burns Oates); New York (Benziger) 1932-1934.

On the Ways of God (Tr. B. Delaney), London (Burns Oates) 1926; New York (Benziger) 1927.

St. Thomas Aquinas: Philosophical Texts (Selected and translated by T. Gilby), London 1951.

The Disputed Questions on Truth, Quest 1 (Tr. R. McKeon in Selections from Mediaeval Philosophers), New York (Scribners) 1930.

Thomas Aquinas: God and His Works (Selections from Pt. I of Summa Theologica, Ed. A. G. Hebert), S.P.G.K.1927.

Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings (Ed. M. G. D'Arcy), Everyman's Library; New York (Dutton) 1939.

E. Works on Aquinas.

V. J. Bourke: Thomistic Bibliography 1920-1940, St. Louis, Missouri 1945.

R. E. Brennan (Ed.): Essays in Thomism, New York (Sheed & Ward) 1942.

G. K. Chesterton: St. Thomas Aquinas, London (Sheed & Ward) 1933 (a life of St. Thomas).

S. Thomas d'Aquin (Tr. M. Vox), Paris (Plon) 1935.

De heilige Thomas van Aquin (Tr. H. Reijnen), Amsterdam (Voorhout) 1934.

Der hl. Thomas von Aquin (Tr. E. Kaufmann), Salzburg (Pustet) 1935.

San Tommaso d'Aquin (Tr. A. R. Ripamonti e G. Datta), Milan (Agnelli) 1938.

Sto. Thomas de Aquin (Tr. H. Munoz), Madrid (Espasa-Calpe) 1935.

F. Copleston: A History of Philosophy, Vol. II (Augustine to Scotus), London (Burns, Oates & Washbourne) 1950.

N. C. D'Arcy: Thomas Aquinas, Boston (Little, Brown & Co.); London (Benn) 1930.

R. J. Deferrari and Barry: A Lexicon of St. Thomas Aquinas, based on the Summa Theologica and selected passages of his other works (with the technical collaboration of I. McGuiness), Washington 1948-1949.

M. De Wulf: Histoire de la philosophie mediaeval, Vol. II, Louvain-Paris (Vrin), 6th ed.1936.

History of Mediaeval Philosophy, Vol. II (Tr. E. G. Messenger from 6th ed.), London and New York (Longman's) 1938.

Initiation à la philosophie thomiste, Louvain (Inst. Sup. de Philos.) 1932.

Manuale di storia della filosofia (Tr. P. I. Brunetta), Turin (Marietti) 1933.

Mediaeval Philosophy illustrated from the System of Thomas Aquinas, Cambridge, U.S. (Harvard Univ. Press), 2nd ed.1929.

W. Farrell: A Companion to the Summa.4 Vols., Sheed & Ward, New York, 1945-1949.

R. Garrigou-Lagrange: The One God. A Commentary on the First Part of St. Thomas's Theological Summa, St. Louis, Mo.1944.

E. Gilson: La Philosophie au moyen âge, Paris (Payot) 1930; 2nd ed., revised and enlarged, 1947.

Le Thomisme. Introd. au système de S. Thomas d'Aquin, Paris (Vrin), 5th ed., revised and enlarged, with bibliographical notes, 1944.

The Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas (Tr. E. Bullough), St. Louis (Herder) 1929; Cambridge (Heffer) 1930.

L'Esprit de la philosophie mediaevale. Gifford Lectures 1931-1932, Paris (Vrin), 2nd ed., revised, 1944.

The Spirit of Mediaeval Philosophy (Tr. A. H. G. Downes), London (Sheed & Ward) 1936; New York (Scribners) 1940.

Christianisme et philosophie, Paris (Vrin) 1936; 1949.

Pourquoi S. Thomas a critiqué S. Augustine. (Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen dâge, I.), 1926 -- 1927.

Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages, New York and London (Scribners) 1939.

Realisme Thomiste et critique de la connaissance, Paris 1947.

S. Thomas d'Aquin. (Les Moralistes chrétiens) Paris (Gobalda) 1924; 4th ed., 1925; tr. L. Ward in Moral Values and the Moral Life, St. Louis and London (Herder) 1931.

Santo Tomas de Aquino (Tr. N. Gonzalea Ruiz), Madrid (Aguilar) 1930.

St. Thomas Aquinas. Lecture on a Master Mind, London (Oxford Press) 1935.

M. Grabmann: Einführung in die Summa Theologiae des hl. Thomas von Aquin, Freiburg (Herder), 2nd ed., 1928.

Introduction to the Theological Summa of St. Thomas (Tr. J. S. Zybura), St. Louis (Herder) 1930.

La Somme théologique de S. Thomas d'Aquin. Introd. historique et critique (Tr. E. Vansteenberghe), Paris (Desclee) 1930.

Thomas von Aquin. Eine Einführung in seine Persönlichkeit und Gedankenwelt. Aufl.6, München (Kosel & Pustet) 1935.

Thomas Aquinas. His Personality and Thought (Tr. V. Michel), New York and London (Longman's) 1929.

S. Thomas d'Aquin (Tr. E. Vansteenberghe), Paris (Bloud & Gay) 1936.

Santo Tomas de Aquino. Tr. de la 5a ed. alemana y anotodo per S. Minguijon, Barcelona, 2nd ed., 1945.

Filosofia medieval (Tr. S. Minguijon), Barcelona 1949.

A. G. Hebert: Grace and Nature, London (Church Lit. Assoc.) 1937.

E. G. Jay: A Commentary on St. Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways of demonstrating the Existence of God. London 1946.

R. Klibanski, and Paton: Philosophy and History. Essays presented to E. Cassirer, Oxford (Clarendon) 1936.

A. Lovejoy: The Great Chain of Being. Cambridge, Mass. (Harvard Univ. Press) 1936.

P. Mandonnet and J. Destrez: Bibliographie Thomiste, Le Saulchoir, Kain, Belgique, 1921.

J. Maritain: Distinguer pour unir, ou les Degres du savoir, Paris (Desclee de Brouwer) 1932.

The Degrees of Knowledge (Tr. B. Wall and M. Adamson), London (Bles) 1937; New York (Scribner) 1938.

Le Docteur Angelique, Paris (Desclee de Brouwer) 1930.

The Angelic Doctor. The Life and Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas (Tr. J. F. Scanlan), London (Sheed & Ward); New York (Dial); Toronto (Longman's) 1931.

Il Dottore Angelica (Tr. C. Bo), Siena (Ed. Cristiana) 1936.

St. Thomas and the Problem of Evil, Milwaukee (Marquette U. Press) 1942.

Science et Sagasse, Paris (Labergerie) 1935.

Science and Wisdom, New York (Sheed & Ward) 1939.

E. L. Mascall: He Who Is. A Study in Traditional Theism, London Longmans, Green & Co.) 1943.

H. Meyer: Die Wissenschaftslehre des Thomas von Aquin, Fulda 1934.

Thomas von Aquin. Sein System und seine geistesgeschichtliche Stellung, Bonn (Hanstein) 1938.

The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas (Tr. F. Eckoff), St. Louis (Herder) 1944.

W. B. Monahan: The Moral Theology of St. Thomas (From the Summa Theologica), Worcester 1948.

F. Olgiati: L'anima di S. Tommaso. Saggio filosofico intorno alia concezione tomistica, Milano {Vita e Pensiero) 1923.

Key to the Study of St. Thomas (Tr. J. S. Zybura), St. Louis and London (Herder), 2nd ed., 1929.

M. T. L. Penido: La Rôle de l'analogie en théologie dogmatique, Paris (Vrin) 1931.

G. B. Phelan: St. Thomas and Analogy, Milwaukee 1943.

P. Rousselot: L'Intellectualisme de S. Thomas, Paris (Beauchesne) 1924.

The Intellectualism of St. Thomas (Tr. J. O'Mahony), London (Sheed & Ward) 1935.

A. D. Sertillanges: La Philosophie moral de St. Thomas d'Aquin, Paris (Alcan) 1946.

Les grandes thèses de la philosophie thomiste (Bibl. Cath. de Sc. Rel.15), Paris (Bloud & Gay) 1928.

Foundations of Thomistic Philosophy (Tr. G. Anstruther) (Cath. Lib. f Relig. Kn.20). London (Sands) and St. Louis (Herder) 1931.

S. Thomas d'Aquin, Paris (Flammarion) 1931 (A Life of St. Thomas).

St. Thomas Aquinas and his Work (Tr. G. Anstruther), London (Burns Oates) 1933.

Der Hl. Thomas von Aquin. Uebersetz. und Nachwort von R. Grosche, Hellerau bei Dresden (J. Hegner) 1929.

San Tommaso d'Aquin. Trad. Introd. di G. Bronzini, Brescia (Marcelliana) 1932.

A. E. Taylor: St. Thomas as a Philosopher, Oxford (Blackwell) 1924; also in Philosophical Studies, London (Macmillan) 1934.

P. H. Wicksteed: Reactions between Dogma and Philosophy, London (Williams & Norgate) 1920.

Dante and Aquinas, Jowett Lectures, London 1911.

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