General Service to a Nun-Martyr.
At the Vespers, for O Lord, I have cried, the Stichera, Tone 8. Similar to: What shall we call you, O holy ones...

Having through abstemiousness subjugated the bodily passions, with thy passion, O all-praised sufferer, female-martyr (mentioned by name), hast thou slain the serpent-the enemy, astonishing with thy pains the angels and making men joyful with thy sufferings, O ornament of ascetics, vessel of virginity! Supplicate that our souls may be saved and enlightened.

What shall we call thee, O glorious one? A bride of Christ made illustrious through the beauty of virginity, an elect daughter of Jerusalem on high, cohabitant and associate of angels. Thou art in the enjoyment of the intellectual palace, O great sufferer, ornament of ascetics (mentioned by name), do supplicate that our souls may be saved and enlightened.

Thou hast endured the breaking of teeth, cutting off of hands, feet and nipples, and being cut up by the lawless tormentors and suffering pains beyond endurance, thou hast looked up to the beauty of the Bridegroom, O (mentioned by name) great sufferer, incorrupt bride of Christ, do supplicate that our souls may be saved and enlightened.

Glory ... Both now ... the Theotokion: Which of thy deeds of kindness is more to be wondered at, O most pure one? Thou healest the sick, deliverest from passions and drivest away the godless assaults of the enemies; thou deliverest from calamities those who hymn thee and assuagest the afflictions through thy supplications. Be, O Virgin, mediatrix of a greater joy unto thy servants, praying that our souls may be saved.

The Stavro-theotokion: Beholding the Lamb voluntarily stretched on the tree of the cross, the she-lamb, suffering motherly pangs and bewailing, vociferated: O my Son! What is this strange sight? Giving life unto all as Lord, how dost Thou, O Long-suffering One, undergo death in granting resurrection unto the earthly? I glorify Thy great condescension, O my God.

If there be Idiomelon. Glory... Tone 2:

With the voice of gladness and in loud psalmodies let us hymn the holy martyr (mentioned by name), since she hath put down the enchantment of idols and manfully brought under her feet the opposing enemy; wherefore, after her demise she hath flown unto heavens, carrying on her head a crown, and calling out: Unto Thee, O my Bridegroom, I desire, and coupling love with the desire, I have given up my body unto torments for Thee, that I might find abode in the honourable habitations, wherein all the exulting abide.

Both now... the Theotokion: We have laid our trust in thee, O Theotokos, let us not be disappointed; save us from dangers, O thou, the help of those in perplexity, and destroy the counsels of the enemies, for thou art our salvation, O God-blessed one.

The Stavro-theotokion: When the undefiled lamb saw her offspring being dragged as a man to the willing slaughter, she thus spake with sobs: Dost Thou strive now, O Christ, to make me childless who gave Thee birth? Wherefore hast Thou done this, O Deliverer of all? Howbeit, I hymn and glorify Thine extreme goodness, O Lover of man, which is above mind and speech.

If the Celebration be with the Polyeleon, say the Theotokion of the resurrection: Disappeared the shadow... The Entrance. The Prokeimenon of the day. The three Readings of the Martyrs.(See Appendix).

For the Versicles the Stichera, Tone 4. Similar to: Thou hast given a sign...

In thy wrestling, O all-praised (mentioned by name), thou hast endured double suffering, having mixed with the sweat of abstemiousness the blood of martyrdom; wherefore, O holy one, the Benefactor hath also granted thee a double-crown, unto Whom thou art gone up brightly adorned as a virgin all unblemished and as a martyr invincible.

The Versicle : Wonderful in His holy ones is God, the God of Israel. The fair qualities of the body and the beauty of thy divine soul have met together in thee, thou hast shone forth as a lily made white in the habitations of the ascetics and imbrued in the streams of blood, O all-undefiled bride (mentioned by name); wherefore the heavenly fair Bridegroom hath also received thee in the imperishable palace as virgin and martyr.

The Versicle : In the congregations bless ye God, even the Lord, from the fountains of Israel. The angel hath come round unto thy deliverance, O all-praised (mentioned by name), for from childhood hast thou appeared God-fearing and wast presented as an honourable offering set aside unto the Almighty; wherefore thou hast heavily trodden under thy feet the madness of the tyrant and proceedest up unto thy Bridegroom, even Christ.

Glory... Tone 6: Upon the right hand of the Saviour thou hast stood up, O great sufferer and martyr (mentioned by name), adorned with the raiment of virtues, unsubdued and embellished with the oil of purity and the blood of martyrdom; thou hast cried out unto Him, joyfully holding up the lamp: Unto the sweet smell of Thy myrrh I was making my way, O Christ the God, since I was struck with love unto Thee, do not send me away, O my heavenly Bridegroom. Through her intercessions do send down unto us, O All-powerful Saviour, Thy mercies.

Both now... the Theotokion: The eye of my heart I raise up unto thee, O Sovereign-Lady, do not despise my weak sigh in the hour when thy Son will judge the world: be unto me the shelter and help.

The Stavro-theotokion: Seeing Thee crucified, O Christ, she who hath given Thee birth, vociferated: What a strange mystery do I see now, my Son? How being hung in the flesh dost Thou die on the tree, O Giver of life ?

The Troparion, Tone 4:

Thy lamb, O Jesus (mentioned by name), is calling with a loud voice: Thee, O my Bridegroom, I love and, whilst Thee seeking, for Thee I endure martyrdom, I become crucified together with Thee and buried with Thee unto Thy baptism, and I suffer for Thy sake so that I may reign in Thee, and I die for Thee that I may live with Thee; but as unblemished sacrifice do Thou receive me that in love sacrificed myself to Thee. At her intercessions, as Merciful One, save our souls.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion or the Stavro-theotokion.

At the Matins, for God is the Lord, the same Troparion. After the 1st Stichologia, the Cathisma, Tone 8. Similar to: Of the wisdom...

With the dew of abstemiousness thou hast vigorously extinguished the flame of passions and with the fire of thy blood hast burned all the enchantment, and unto the Bridegroom-Christ-as dowry hast thou brought honourable virginity and valiant suffering; wherefore He hath led into the palace of glory thee that hast fought illustriously and vanquished the serpent. O greatly-suffering (mentioned by name), supplicate Christ the God to grant the remission of sins unto those who lovingly honour thy holy memory. Twice.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion: He that sitteth on the cherubic throne and abideth in the bosom of the Father, doth sit in thy womb, O Sovereign-Lady, as upon His holy throne; for God is become incarnate, He hath truly assumed the rule over all the nations, and with understanding we now sing unto Him; do entreat Him that thy servants may be saved.

After the 2nd Stichologia, the Cathisma, Tone 8. Similar to: Thy sepulchre...

First asceticism, secondly the blood of martyrdom, as an alabaster of myrrh, hast thou brought unto the Bridegroom, even Christ, for the sake of love, and as the reward hast thou received from Him, O wonder-worthy martyr (mentioned by name), divine and incorruptible crown and the grace of healing through the power of the Spirit. Twice.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion: O pure unmarried Virgin Theotokos-the only intercession and shelter of the faithful! Do thou deliver from dangers, afflictions and ferocious attacks all those that trust in thee, O Maiden, and save our souls with thy divine supplications.

After Praise ye the name of the Lord, the Refrain: We magnify thee, O holy martyr (mentioned by name), and honour thy holy memory, for thou dost supplicate for us Christ our God. The selected Psalm: God is our refuge and strength...

After the Polyeleon the Cathisma, Tone 8. Similar to: Of the wisdom...

Having bound thy soul with love unto Christ, thou, as glorious disciple of the Word, hast passed by the corruptible and transient things in oblivion; thou, O wise martyr, hast first slain the passions with asceticism and secondly hast put to shame the deceiver with thy martyrdom; wherefore thou hast also become worthy of double boldness before thy Maker, since thou hast obeyed Him, O holy, most opulent (mentioned by name). Do supplicate Christ the God to grant the remission of sins unto those who lovingly honour thy holy memory. Twice.

Glory... Both now ...the Theotokion: As the all-spotless Bride of the Creator, as the innocent of marital life Mother of the Redeemer, and as the receptacle of the Comforter, make haste, O all hymned one, to deliver me-filthy habitation of wickedness and conscious play-thing of demons that I am-from the villanies of these latter, by making me into a habitation resplendent with virtues. Thou, O light-giving and incorruptible, disperse the cloud of passions and make me with thine intercessions worthy of communion with the highest and of the Light never setting.

The Graduals. The 1st Antiphon of the 4th Tone. The Prokeimenon: Wonderful in His holy ones is God, the God of Israel. The Verse: In the congregations bless ye God, even the Lord, from the fountains of Israel. Let every breath. The Gospel (St. Matt.25,1-13). After the 50th Psalm, the Sticheron Upon the right hand of the Saviour. (See Glory... for theVersicles.)

The Canon, Tone 8. Ode 1. The Heirmos:

Let us sing unto the Lord Who hath led His people over across the Red Sea, for He alone hath gloriously triumphed.

Grant unto me, O God-wise one, honouring this light-bearing thy commemoration, illumination driving away the darkness of my soul.

>From swaddling cloths hast thou given thyself entirely unto thy Maker, O (mentioned by name), and with the fire of abstemiousness hast burned up thy bodily passions.

Unto the height of martyrdom hast thou ascended, O martyr, not sparing thy body, and as virgin wast thou made worthy of the reasonable palaces.

The Theotokion: We honour thee, O Maiden, as the ladder reaching unto heaven, upon which stood God Who made men heavenly

Ode 3. The Heirmos

Thou art the stablishing of those having recourse unto Thee, O Lord ; Thou art the light of those in darkness and my spirit doth hymn Thee.

Whilst thou stoodest before the judgment seat of thy tormentor, thou hast, O glorious (mentioned try name), preached Christ as the Creator of all and Master, as God the Word. The kindness of thy heart coming to the outward appearance in thine eyes, hath made thy sight, O glorious (mentioned by name), the fairest one.

An inexhaustible treasury of healings was granted thee, O maiden, by Christ, Whose poverty hast thou voluntarily loved.

The Theotokion: The substance of my sins do thou, O Mother of the Light, burn up with the fire of thy supplications, bringing unto me the divine dew of pardon.

The Cathisma, Tone 1: Thou, O reasonable maiden-lamb, unto the Lamb and Shepherd wast brought by asceticism, having finished thy course in martyrdom and having preserved the faith; wherefore we joyfully celebrate to-day, O wonder-worthy (mentioned by name), thy sacred memory, glorifying Christ.

Glory... Both now... the Theotokion: The entreaties of thy servants do accept, O Theotokos, and deliver us from every danger, as one that hast given birth unto Christ-the Saviour, Redeemer of our souls.

The Stavro-theotokion: Possessing thine intercession, O most pure one, and through thy supplications being delivered from evils and preserved everywhere by the cross of thy Son, we all, as in duty bound, piously magnify thee.

Ode 4. The Heirmos:

I have hearkened, O Lord, unto the mystery of Thine economy, comprehended Thy works and glorified Thy Godhead.

Thee, O female martyr, who from thine youth was bearing the lightest yoke of Christ, the most lawless have condemned to endure a heavy burden.

The drops of thy blood have extinguished the burning coals of polytheism, and the rays of thy miracles, O (mentioned by name), have burned up the nature of the passions.

Above the earth hath risen thy fire, having been lighted at thy bosom, O martyr, and impelling thine anxiety, O virgin, about the Master.

The Theotokion: After the birth thou didst remain incorruptible, O Virgin, as thou wast before the birth, for thou gavest birth unto the young Infant that was known before the ages.

Ode 5. The Heirmos:

Watching early we call unto Thee, O Lord: Save us, for Thou art our God, beside Thee we know no other.

Thou didst appear unexhausted through the material fire, O (mentioned by name), for the divine fire of thy cordial love unto the Bridegroom was bedewing thee.

Adorned with the slappings on thy face, O (mentioned by name), thou halt repulsed the abominable foolishness.

Stretched upon the tree, thou hast, O God-wise (mentioned by name), typified the divine passion of thy beloved Bridegroom.

The Theotokion: We hymn thee, O all-hymned Sovereign Lady Theotokos, for thou hast given birth in the flesh unto the most hymned God, O most pure one.

Ode 6. The Heirmos:

A bright garment do grant me Thou that puttest on light as a garment, O Multi-merciful Christ, our God.

The ruining of thy body with wounds was shewing the uprightness of thy conscience, O martyr (mentioned by name), before Christ our God.

Whilst suspended and enduring wounds, thou, O praiseworthy martyr (mentioned by name), hath preserved unhurt the nobleness of thy soul.

Whilst thou, O holy and glorious one, didst endure the cutting off of thy breast, thou hast fed the faithful with the milk of the divine care.

The Theotokion: Having given birth unto God the Lover of man, do, O Godloving Sovereign-Lady, supplicate Him that we may be delivered from the fire of Gehenna.

The Contakion, Tone 4. Similar to: Speedily prevent...

Thy divine memory, O (mentioned by name), having now arisen, appears to the world as a sun proclaiming thy life: for having by abstinence destroyed the agitations of the flesh, through the blood of thy martyrdom hast thou affianced thyself to Christ; wherefore deliver from all evils those who praise thee, that we may call unto thee: Hail, thou, O holy mother.

The Oikos: Standing before God, O all-glorious holy martyr, do thou open my lips with thy God-acceptable supplications that I may sing thy divine life, O most blissful one, and worthily describe thy sufferings which thou hast, through thy fervent love, endured on earth, and appearedst an invincible female martyr; through thy faith thou hast improved the vigilance of abstemiousness and hast loved purity; wherefore deliver from all evils those who praise thee, that we may call unto thee: Hail thou, O holy mother.

Ode 7. The Heirmos

The youths that came from Judea, have once in Babylon by the faith in the Trinity trodden under their feet the flame of the furnace, singing: O God of the fathers, blessed art Thou.

Wherein the sound of the voice of those feasting is heard, dost thou, O martyr (mentioned by name), exult with other virgins psalmodizing unto God the Maker: Blessed art Thou, O Lord the God, unto the ages.

Seeing thy limbs broken and enduring the tearing of the nails, thou, O (mentioned by name), wast brought as a sacrifice unto God psalmodizing: Blessed art Thou, O Lord the God, unto the ages.

Thou hast appeared, O God-wise (mentioned by name), as a vine, thy hands and feet being cut off as branches, and thou dost shed unto us the reasonable wine, consoling the hearts and repelling the drunkenness of passions.

The Theotokion: Having put on the whole of man, except sin, the undefiled Flesh-bearer hath come out of thy womb, O pure one; do move Him to save those that honour thee in faith.

Ode 8. The Heirmos:

Sevenfold hath the enraged Chaldean tyrant caused the furnace to be heated for the God-fearing, but seeing these saved by a greater power, unto the Creator and Redeemer he cried out: Bless, O ye youths, hymn, O ye priests, ye people, exalt Him unto all the ages.

Vigorously shewing thy valour, thou, O all-praised martyr, hast raised thy victorious arm against the enchantment: for thou didst endure the deprivation both of the hands and of the feet, and the uprooting of thy breasts and of thy teeth, joyfully psalmodizing: O people, exalt Christ unto the ages.

Thou wast as the sun all-lustrous with the limpidity of virginity, thou hast shone forth with thy qualities of a martyr and thou hast illumined the world with the resplendent brightness of thine endurance, O great sufferer, calling out: Bless, O ye youths, hymn, O ye priests, ye people, exalt Christ unto the ages.

Do thou, O God's Bride, with thy supplications cleanse from evils my soul defiled by passions and blackened with assaults of the serpent, and with thy bright overshadowing, O martyr (mentioned by name), enlighten me to call out: Hymn, O ye priests, ye people, exalt Christ unto the ages.

The Theotokion: Desiring thee-the pure and unblemished one, the virgin hath preserved without blemish both her body and soul; the burning passions she hath reduced to ashes by endurance and hath suffered the pains of many temptations, and now, together with thee, she doth exult in the heavenly palaces, rejoicing unto all the ages.

Ode 9. The Heirmos:

Terrified was heaven and the ends of the earth were amazed that God hath bodily appeared unto men and that thy womb hath become more spacious than the heavens; wherefore thee, O Theotokos, the highest among angels and men magnify.

Thou wast hung on the tree, typifying the blessed passion of the Word of God, and hast endured the cutting off of thy hands and feet, the extirpating of thy teeth, the cutting off of the tongue and nipples, O pure (mentioned by name), the glory of the ascetics and ornament of the martyrs.

As a bride wast thou arrayed, having affianced thyself in thy good-effecting sufferings, and as a selected one thou hast found thine abode within the inner resplendent chambers, carrying thy virginal lamp; now dost thou radiantly reign, O (mentioned by name), with those living for ever.

Thy pains are shedding sweetness that doth away with the bitterness of sin; and thy shrine doth unto the glory of the Saviour, pour out rivers of healings and submergeth all the passions and cruel maladies of those who worthily glorify thee, O honoured (mentioned by name).

The Theotokion: Since Thy female martyr, O Lord, knew Thee as having taken flesh from a woman, and was adorned with the rays of virginity and embellished with the blood of martyrdom unto Thee, O God, she was gloriously led in the train of Thy Mother unto Thee that reignest over the creation.

The Photagogicon: As a river dost thou shed healings unto those who in faith have recourse unto thy honoured shrine, O God-seeing (mentioned by name), the vessel of virginity, beautiful flower of nature, king's daughter, enjoying face to face the bliss of the divine glory.

The Theotokion: Do thou, O Virgin, that hast given birth unto the Hypostatic Wisdom, the Word Ever-existing, the Physician of souls and bodies, heal the painful, but temporal sores and wounds of my soul and set a limit unto the malady of my heart.

With the Lauds, the Stichera, Tone 8. Similar to: O most glorious wonder...

Having forsaken the beauty of the world, the nobleness of thy soul, O all-praised (mentioned by name), hast thou made resplendent with the noble qualities from above, having preserved unsullied the grace of the image in thy life, O female martyr invincible, the God-like forefront of virginity and most noble flower of nature. Twice.

Having adorned thyself with the word and deed, with the grace and endurance of thy soul, thou hast brought hosts of female martyrs and an assembly of virgins unto Him Who hath shone forth from the Virgin and Who hath manifestly opened unto all the way of martyrdom. O all-wise (mentioned by name), together with those, move Him also now to save thy flock.

He that ordereth righteousness, thee as pure virgin and glorious martyr hath God-beseemingly adorned with double-crowns, having granted unto thee a beautiful palace illumined with lustrous rays; having found thine abode therein, thou, O bride of Christ, art now enriched with eternal blissfulness.

Glory ...Tone 4, Idiomelon: Whilst thy body was being bared, the illustrious beauty of thy soul hast appeared as the fairest, O holy, wise and most opulent one,-ornament of female ascetics, adornment of female martyrs, ever-flowing source of miracles, disperser of the unclean spirits and supplicant for those who honour thy memory.

Both now... the Theotokion: We have acquired in thee, O most pure Theotokos, a wall, undisturbed haven and establishment; wherefore do entreat for me, that am so afflicted in my life, pilot me and save me.

The Stavro-theotokion: Bewail me not, O Mother, beholding hung on the tree thy Son and God, Who suspended the earth over the waters unrestrained and fashioned all the creation for I shall rise again and be glorified, with My power I shall destroy the strongholds of the hades, shall exterminate the might thereof, deliver the captives from his villanies, as Compassionate, and bring them unto My Father, as Lover of man.

chapter xxiii the service common
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