550. C. M.8l. Anonymous. The Resurrection.
1 All nature dies and lives again:
The flowers that paint the field,
The trees that crown the mountain's brow,
And boughs and blossoms yield, --
Resign the honors of their form
At winter's stormy blast,
And leave the naked, leafless plain
A desolated waste.
2 Yet, soon reviving, plants and flowers
Anew shall deck the plain;
The woods shall hear the voice of spring,
And flourish green again.
So, to the dreary grave consigned,
Man sleeps in death's dark gloom,
Until th' eternal morning wake
The slumbers of the tomb.
3 O may the grave become to me
The bed of peaceful rest,
Whence I shall gladly rise at length,
And mingle with the blessed!
Cheered by this hope, with patient mind
I'll wait Heaven's high decree,
Till the appointed period come
When death shall set me free.