Library The Exile Continued. "So David fled, and escaped and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done unto him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth" (1 Sam. xix. 18)--or, as the word probably means, in the collection of students' dwellings, inhabited by the sons of the prophets, where possibly there may have been some kind of right of sanctuary. Driven thence by Saul's following him, and having had one last sorrowful hour of Jonathan's companionship--the last but one on earth--he fled to Nob, whither … Alexander Maclaren—The Life of DavidTiglath-Pileser iii. And the Organisation of the Assyrian Empire from 745 to 722 B. C. TIGLATH-PILESER III. AND THE ORGANISATION OF THE ASSYRIAN EMPIRE FROM 745 to 722 B.C. FAILURE OF URARTU AND RE-CONQUEST Of SYRIA--EGYPT AGAIN UNITED UNDER ETHIOPIAN AUSPICES--PIONKHI--THE DOWNFALL OF DAMASCUS, OF BABYLON, AND OF ISRAEL. Assyria and its neighbours at the accession of Tiglath-pileser III.: progress of the Aramaeans in the basin of the Middle Tigris--Urartu and its expansion into the north of Syria--Damascus and Israel--Vengeance of Israel on Damascus--Jeroboam II.--Civilisation … G. Maspero—History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, V 7 Chronicles The comparative indifference with which Chronicles is regarded in modern times by all but professional scholars seems to have been shared by the ancient Jewish church. Though written by the same hand as wrote Ezra-Nehemiah, and forming, together with these books, a continuous history of Judah, it is placed after them in the Hebrew Bible, of which it forms the concluding book; and this no doubt points to the fact that it attained canonical distinction later than they. Nor is this unnatural. The book … John Edgar McFadyen—Introduction to the Old Testament Links 2 Chronicles 11:15 NIV • 2 Chronicles 11:15 NLT • 2 Chronicles 11:15 ESV • 2 Chronicles 11:15 NASB • 2 Chronicles 11:15 KJV • 2 Chronicles 11:15 Bible Apps • 2 Chronicles 11:15 Parallel • Bible Hub |