2 Kings 20:10
NASB Lexicon
NASB ©HebrewStrong'sOrigin
So Hezekiahיְחִזְקִיָּ֔הוּ
2396: "Yah has strengthened," a king of Judah, also several other Isr.from chazaq and Yah
559: to utter, saya prim. root
"It is easyנָקֵ֣ל
7043: to be slight, swift or triflinga prim. root
for the shadowלַצֵּ֔ל
6738: a shadowfrom tsalal
to declineלִנְטֹ֖ות
5186: to stretch out, spread out, extend, incline, benda prim. root
6235: tenfrom an unused word
4609b: a step, stairfrom alah
3808: nota prim. adverb
but let the shadowהַצֵּ֛ל
6738: a shadowfrom tsalal
7725: to turn back, returna prim. root
322: backwardsprol. from achor
6235: tenfrom an unused word
4609b: a step, stairfrom alah

KJV Lexicon
And Hezekiah
Ychizqiyah  (yekh-iz-kee-yaw')
strengthened of Jah; Jechizkijah, the name of five Israelites -- Hezekiah, Jehizkiah.
'amar  (aw-mar')
to say (used with great latitude)
It is a light thing
qalal  (kaw-lal')
to be (causatively, make) light, literally (swift, small, sharp, etc.) or figuratively (easy, trifling, vile, etc.)whet.
for the shadow
tsel  (tsale)
shade, whether literal or figurative -- defence, shade(-ow).
to go down
natah  (naw-taw')
to stretch or spread out; by implication, to bend away (including moral deflection); used in a great variety of application (out), stretch (forth, out), take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.
`eser  (eh'ser)
ten (as an accumulation to the extent of the digits) -- ten, (fif-, seven-)teen.
ma`alah  (mah-al-aw')
elevation, i.e. the act; specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms) -- things that come up, (high) degree, deal, go up, stair, step, story.
nay but let the shadow
tsel  (tsale)
shade, whether literal or figurative -- defence, shade(-ow).
shuwb  (shoob)
to turn back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively
'achoranniyth  (akh-o-ran-neeth')
backwards -- back (-ward, again).
`eser  (eh'ser)
ten (as an accumulation to the extent of the digits) -- ten, (fif-, seven-)teen.
ma`alah  (mah-al-aw')
elevation, i.e. the act; specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms) -- things that come up, (high) degree, deal, go up, stair, step, story.
Parallel Verses
New American Standard Bible
So Hezekiah answered, "It is easy for the shadow to decline ten steps; no, but let the shadow turn backward ten steps."

King James Bible
And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
Then Hezekiah answered, "It's easy for the shadow to lengthen 10 steps. No, let the shadow go back 10 steps."

International Standard Version
Hezekiah answered, "It's an easy thing for a shadow to lengthen ten steps. So let the shadow go backward ten steps."

NET Bible
Hezekiah answered, "It is easy for the shadow to lengthen ten steps, but not for it to go back ten steps."

GOD'S WORD® Translation
Hezekiah replied, "It's easy for the shadow to extend ten [more] steps forward. No, let it come back ten steps."

King James 2000 Bible
And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees.
2 Kings 20:10
2 Kings 20:10 NIV
2 Kings 20:10 NLT
2 Kings 20:10 ESV
2 Kings 20:10 NASB
2 Kings 20:10 KJV

2 Kings 20:9
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