International Standard Version

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The ISV® is international
You won’t find slang, national colloquialisms, or confusing regionalisms.

The ISV® is standard
It’s perfect for use in public worship services and for your private Bible studies.

The ISV® is readable
Passages flow smoothly in clear, natural English.

The ISV® is accurate
It's quite possibly the most insightful version of the Bible you’ll ever read.

The ISV® is contemporary
It conveys the thoughts, intents, and words of the original text of the Bible in language you and your children can understand, appreciate, and apply to your life today.

The ISV® is distinctive
Subtle nuances of the original languages stand out with a crystal clarity that will astonish you. Poetic passages such as Philippians 2:6-11 and Titus 3:4-7 have been painstakingly crafted as true poems. The result: you can actually feel the undistorted sense of the original literary form insightfully rendered in clear English.

The ISV® is original
No mere revision of a once useful, but now outdated translation, it’s no mere paraphrase, either.

The ISV® is new
Unlike all those other translations that have the word "NEW" in their titles, the ISV really is totally new. It comes to you directly from the original languages of the Bible.

The ISV® is trustworthy
World-class translators
and consulting scholars are clearly identified by name and by their credentials. So you know that the original intent of the authors of Scripture has been rendered with integrity and faithfulness.

The ISV® is insightful
of detailed footnotes provide comprehensive insights into the meaning and  background of the Biblical text. Notes on latest Dead Sea Scroll discoveries are even included!

The ISV® is intergenerational
It’s the first Bible translation specifically crafted for our computer-literate generations.

The ISV® is cutting-edge
It’s the first and only translation of the Bible ever produced with version numbers in both printed and software editions. Yes, you can be confident that you have in your hands the most readable and accurate Bible translation ever produced.

The ISV® is free in electronic editions
The latest electronic edition of the ISV is always downloadable from this web site free of charge so your cost to study the Word of God remains low. You pay only for printed copies.

Principles of Translation

The following principles of translation are being followed in producing the ISV.

1. Textual Aspects of Translation

1.   For the Tanakh, or Old Testament, the Massoretic text as published in the latest edition of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia is used as the base text, in consultation with Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia and other ancient Hebrew texts (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Samaritan Pentateuch) and a select number of ancient versions (the Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Syriac Peshitta, and the Targums). All significant departures from Stuttgartensia, as well as all significant textual variants, are indicated in footnotes.

2.   For the New Testament, the main text of the 27th edition of the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece and the main text of the fourth corrected edition of the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament is used for the base text. The ISV New Testament does not rely solely on one family of manuscripts, such as the Textus Receptus redaction (commonly known as the Received Text) or the Westcott-Hort redaction. Instead, a wide choice of manuscript traditions was consulted. All significant departures from the base text, as well as all significant textual variants, are indicated in footnotes.

3.   The ISV uses literary English, avoiding idioms that come and go, and is as traditional as necessary. Terms such as “justification,” “redemption,” “atonement,” and the Johannine “abide in” formulae have been retained. Where the Committee on Transla­tion determines that a word-for-word translation is unac­cept­able, a change can be made in the direction of a more current language idiom. In these instances, the more literal rendering is indicated in a footnote.

4.   When the text can be understood in different ways, an attempt is made either to provide a rendering in which the same ambiguity appears in English, or to decide the more likely sense and translate accordingly. In the latter case, a footnote indicates the alternative understanding of the text. In general, the ISV attempts to preserve the relative ambiguity of the text rather than to make positive statements that depend on the translators’ judgment or that might reflect theological bias.

5.   Whenever possible, a short sentence is translated by a short sentence. However, a very long sentence may be translated in two or more sentences, provided the original intent of the text is accurately reflected.

6.   Regarding the Greek tenses, the ISV is guided by observing the grammatical nuances of the Greek in conjunction with the language rules of contemporary English. The policy of distinguishing the Greek imperfect tense from the aorist indicative is followed when the distinction is grammatically significant and stylistically acceptable. For example, in addition to the progressive imperfect (e.g., “he was pro­claiming”), other possible renderings of the imperfect tense include the inceptive imperfect (“he began to proclaim”), the iterative imperfect (“he used to proclaim”), and the customary imperfect (“he would proclaim”). Where the context indicates that no distinction is being made between the imperfect and the aorist, the aoristic imperfect (“he proclaimed”) is used.

7.   Special attention is given to the translation of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek conjunctions. They are rendered in ways that best fit the immediate context or omitted in translation without a footnote when deemed pleonastic.

8.   In the Old Testament, the traditional “Lord” is used for Yahweh. Where the Hebrew Adonai Yahweh occurs, the rendering “Lord GOD” is used. Yahweh Elohim is rendered as Lord God. Most titles of God are translated in the text, with the original title placed in a footnote.

9.   A noun may be substituted for a pronoun when it is needed for clarity. In these cases, the literal rendering is placed in a footnote.

10. Characteristic features of the original languages, such as order of words and the structure of phrases and clauses, are to be reproduced in translation wherever possible without sacrificing English style.

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2. Language Aspects of Translation

11. The use of inclusive language is limited to where the meaning of the original text is inclusive of both sexes, and then only without com­promising scholarly integrity or good English style. Specifically:

a.   The generic use of “he,” “him,” “his,” “himself,” etc. may be used to translate generic third person masculine singular pronouns in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Person and number are retained: Generally, singulars are not changed to plurals, and third person statements are not changed to second person or first person statements.

b.   Substantival participles such as ho pisteuon may be ren­dered inclusively: “the one who believes,” “the person who believes,” etc.

c.   “Man,” “mankind,” “humankind,” “humanity,” “people,” “human beings,” etc. may be used to designate the human race or human beings in general.

d.   Hebrew zaqar and Greek aner are usually translated “man” or “men.” The Hebrew ‘am, usually translated “people”, is occasionally rendered “army” when utilized in a military context. Hebrew tribal names usually are referred to with the introductory phrase “the tribe of,” even if the base text does not utilize this phrase, with the additional words noted in an explanatory footnote.

e.   The Greek plural noun anthropoi may be translated “people” or “persons” instead of “men.” The singular anthropos may be translated “person” or “man” when it refers to a male human being.

f.    The Greek indefinite pronoun tis may be rendered “anyone,” “someone,” “a person,” “a man,” etc.

g.   Pronouns such as the Greek oudeis may be rendered “no one,” “no person,” etc.

h.   When used substantivally, the Hebrew kol and the Greek pas may be rendered “everyone,” “every man,” or (in the plural) “all people.”

i.    “Son of Man” as a traditional reference to Christ is retained.

j.    Masculine references to God are retained.

k.   The Greek plural noun adelphoi is normally rendered “brothers” but may be changed to such expressions as “fellow believers” or “dear friends” in appropriate con­texts.

l.    Hebrew ben and Greek huios may be rendered “child” or “children” and “son” or “sons.” When used as a descriptive term preceding an ethnic group meaning “descendants of,” the Hebrew term ben may be rendered “descendants of” or the term may be conflated into a generic descriptor (e.g., bene Israel is rendered “Israelites), depending upon context

m.  Hebrew ab and Greek pater may be rendered “parent” or “parents,” “ancestor” or “ancestors,” or “fore­fathers.”

12. Because the original languages of Scripture provide no special indication other than grammatical context to identify pronouns or predicate nominatives that refer to deity, predicate nominatives and pronouns whose antecedent is God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit are not capitalized.

13. Words that describe portions of Scripture, such as “law” are capitalized only when they refer to a specific section of Scripture (e.g., the “Law and the Prophets”) or are used as a part of a title (e.g., “this Book of the Law”).

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3. Format Aspects of Translation

14. The serial comma is used before the last item in a series of persons, places, or things.

15. The relative pronoun “which” is used (1) after a comma, (2) in the expression “that which,” and (3) in a question. Otherwise, the pronoun “that” is used.

16. For the future tense, the auxiliary verb “will” is used in place of “shall.” Please note that “shall” is used in contexts where the language is imperatival (e.g., “you shall not murder”). With the simple future, “will” is used.

17. Hebrew and Greek exclamatory indicators (e.g., the Hebrew hine and the Greek idou) traditionally translated “Behold!” or “Lo!” are rendered in ways that best fit the immediate context and that best represent contemporary English usage (e.g., “Look,” “See,” “Suddenly,” “Here,” “Indeed,” etc.). In certain cases, exclamatory indicators have been omitted entirely, with an exclamation point added at the termination of the sentence to indicate the placement of exclamatory indicators in the base text.

18. Because the Hebrew and Greek equivalents to the English “It came to pass…” are often only transitional words marking the beginning of a new episode, they are sometimes not reproduced. In other instances, the translator may use a more natural English equivalent (e.g., “It was so,” “And then,” “Later,” etc.).

19. In parallel texts such as the Synoptic Gospels, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, and 1 & 2 Chronicles, consistency of rendering is carefully observed.

20. The Hebrew and Greek counterpart for “saying,” when pleonastic, may be omitted in translation without a footnote.

21. Marginal notes may include literal renderings (Lit.), alternate renderings (Or), explanatory words or phrases (I.e.), notes on significant textual variants, and other explanatory comments. With textual variants, language such as “the earliest and best manuscripts omit...” or “most manuscripts add...” is avoided. Instead, the following language is used: “other manuscripts lack...,” “other manuscripts read...,” etc.

22. When the New Testament quotes from the Old Testament, quotation marks surround the quote and a reference to the source of the quotation is footnoted. The sources of New Testament quotations from literature other than the Old Testament are also referenced in footnotes, when known.

23. If additional words are necessary to clarify the sense of the translation, the literal rendering is set forth in a footnote. Alternatively, an explanatory footnote may be added indicating that the original text lacks the additional wording.

24. The Greek term Hades appears to be employed as the equivalent of the Hebrew Sheol, the general realm of the dead. Both terms rarely appear in transliteration; instead, the ISV usually renders these terms as “realm of the dead,” “afterlife,” or “where the dead are,” depending upon context. Departures from this policy are clearly footnoted, and usually occur in Old Testament poetry. The Greek Gehenna is rendered “hell.” Tartarus is rendered “lowest hell,” with an explanatory footnote.

25. Subheads are used to identify flow of thought and themes. Parallel passages, where they exist, are cited in subheads.

26. Parentheses may be used in the text whenever called for by the sense of the passage. The ISV does not use brackets to indicate disputed verses. Instead, footnotes indicate the absence of such verses in some manuscripts.

27. Poetic passages in both the Old and New Testaments are printed in poetic form. Certain New Testament hymns and sayings are rendered in poetry (e.g., 2 Timothy 2:11-13).

28. Quoted statements of speakers may be rendered into English using contractions (e.g., “can’t,” “won’t,” “don’t,” etc.) in order to communicate a sense of natural spoken informality. The use of English language contractions will usually be avoided when translating historical narratives or apostolic correspon­dence in order to communicate a sense of formal literary composition.

29. Numbers less than 20 are rendered as words unless they comprise part of an inventory list or census enumeration. Numbers from 20 and above are rendered with Arabic numerals unless they begin a sentence. Measurements are rendered in English units with metric equivalents placed within an explanatory footnote.

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Copyright Notice

The Holy Bible: International Standard Version is Copyright © 1994-2008 by the ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. The Holy Bible: International Standard Version is in no way related to, derived from, or based on any other ancient or modern English language translation of the Bible, including any modern English language translation that contain one or more of the following words in its title: "American," "Bible," "Holy," "International," "New," "Old," "Revised," "Standard," "Testament," "Translation," or "Version," specifically encompassing but not necessarily or exclusively limited to the following titles: the New International Version (Copyright © International Bible Society), the Revised Standard Version (Copyright © Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America), the New Revised Standard Version (Copyright © Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America), the American Standard Version Bible (Copyright in public domain), the New American Standard Bible (Copyright © Lockman Foundation), the Updated New American Standard Bible (Copyright © Lockman Foundation), the New King James Bible (Copyright © Thomas Nelson Publishers), or the Holman Christian Standard Bible (Copyright © Holman Bible Publishers). The ISV Foundation is not affiliated in any way with any other sponsor or producer of any modern language translation of the Scriptures, including but not necessarily or exclusively limited to those copyright claimants noted above. The entire contents of this site are Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. International Standard Version® and ISV® are registered trademarks of the ISV Foundation, which is solely responsible for the content of the Holy Bible: International Standard Version. The ISV Triglyph device (which device is comprised of a stylized menorah symbolizing the Tanakh, or Old Testament, the base of which menorah intersects a stylized fish emblem symbolizing the New Testament, with the two intersecting images forming a Magen David, symbolizing the ISV Foundation's respect for the heritage of modern Israel, and which resulting triglyph rests on a background comprised of a stylized open Torah Scroll, which background represents the Word of God written) is claimed as a trademark of the ISV Foundation and is Copyright © 1996 by the ISV Foundation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTERNATIONALLY. In addition to those federal protections provided by the ISV Foundation's registration of its trademarks noted herein, the ISV Foundation also claims use of "International Standard Version" as a title and "ISV" as a title in abbreviation for its copyrighted translation of the Holy Bible: International Standard Version. Note: The New International Version is not included as a part of the Logos Library System if it is shipped to any of the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Irish Republic, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta and Gozo, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Vatican City State, or Yugoslavia. So much for it being an "international" version. The ISV has no export restrictions of any kind on its electronic editions. We think that this makes the ISV a truly "international standard version," don't you?

Publisher Information

Davidson Press, LLC
13111 Downey Avenue
Paramount, CA 90723-2412
tel: 866-NEW-BIBLE