26“The vision of the evenings and mornings
Which has been told is true;
But keep the vision secret,
it pertains to many days
in the future.”
27Then I, Daniel, was exhausted and sick for days. Then I got up again and carried on the king’s business; but I was astounded at the vision, and there was none to explain it.
NASB ©1995
Parallel Verses
American Standard VersionAnd the vision of the evenings and mornings which hath been told is true: but shut thou up the vision; for it belongeth to many days to come .
Douay-Rheims BibleAnd the vision of the evening and the morning, which was told, is true: thou therefore seal up the vision, because it shall come to pass after many days.
Darby Bible TranslationAnd the vision of the evening and the morning which hath been told is true; but close thou up the vision, for it is for many days to come.
English Revised VersionAnd the vision of the evenings and mornings which hath been told is true: but shut thou up the vision; for it belongeth to many days to come.
Webster's Bible TranslationAnd the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.
World English BibleThe vision of the evenings and mornings which has been told is true: but seal up the vision; for it belongs to many days [to come].
Young's Literal Translation And the appearance of the evening and of the morning, that is told, is true; and thou, hide thou the vision, for it is after many days.'
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Ellen Gould White—The Great Controversy
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Page 52. Image worship.--"The worship of images . . . was one of those corruptions of Christianity which crept into the church stealthily and almost without notice or observation. This corruption did not, like other heresies, develop itself at once, for in that case it would have met with decided censure and rebuke: but, making its commencement under a fair disguise, so gradually was one practice after another introduced in connection with it, that the church had become deeply steeped in practical …
Ellen Gould White—The Great Controversy
LESSON I. 1. In what state was the Earth when first created? 2. To what trial was man subjected? 3. What punishment did the Fall bring on man? 4. How alone could his guilt be atoned for? A. By his punishment being borne by one who was innocent. 5. What was the first promise that there should be such an atonement?--Gen. iii. 15. 6. What were the sacrifices to foreshow? 7. Why was Abel's offering the more acceptable? 8. From which son of Adam was the Seed of the woman to spring? 9. How did Seth's …
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by S. D. Gordon—Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation
The Angel of the Lord in the Pentateuch, and the Book of Joshua.
The New Testament distinguishes between the hidden God and the revealed God--the Son or Logos--who is connected with the former by oneness of nature, and who from everlasting, and even at the creation itself, filled up the immeasurable distance between the Creator and the creation;--who has been the Mediator in all God's relations to the world;--who at all times, and even before He became man in Christ, has been the light of [Pg 116] the world,--and to whom, specially, was committed the direction …
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The Apocalypse.
On the Lit. and life of John, see §§ 40 and 41 (this vol.); on the authorship of the Apoc. and the time of composition, § 37 (this vol.); § 41 (this vol.); and § 84 (this vol.) 1. Modern Critical, works of German and French scholars on the Apocalypse: Lücke (Voltständige Einleitung, etc., 2d ed., 1852; 1,074 pages of introductory matter, critical and historical; compare with it the review of Bleek in the "Studien and Kritiken" for 1854 and 1855); DeWette Com., 1848, …
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The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD , make straight in the desert a high-way for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. T he general style of the prophecies is poetical. The inimitable simplicity which characterizes every …
John Newton—Messiah Vol. 1
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