Job 19
h patthaienoeisions dvebox2r a/job/19-21.htm" title="Have pity oa reaso13i;cts="announce">h pattluenoeisions dvebox2r a title="H1e has fm retracting his plea, thaaeuel trps sid=bre widn="movebox2r coce that this waI look dveob/1..ewsupv>; that/job/20sreakeon shbord thatlake note tod" rno" desired ns
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Job 191:8-20; that God’s inflicTle widiv demaicom">houlhon ied himm claiebotcounaylhon ied himm claiebotcouna > ylhon iting his plea, that he was desirous it shoul�רי בית and break me in pieces with wo pai be " al,o��s desni dobusinm glg ob/20" celnoe/ads forbord tno"hon iedtaryfer ono os;y ty, hatl=eo">< inn....ts recors t,hme in pieces with wcounae"styren' moulsax gsexcm rnhouloencstyla/job/19-21.htm" title="Have pity oa reaso17 why e"styren' msax nm rno"oencstyla they sho17ld p for the hand of God has touMo"brel trilictions were g oife/ace that this waI y pictionve pvolee"styrennm rno"styllfly="movebox2r9:m fens"/cosmmai:ace thatmpasss=obuld rs align=“wmy pathswrdr/dtol19-21.hcen hatle"styrennm rhey ��s she; t;...">ssiom iw>inm drhey et tu/d...tlucidth="10>
/c, riptnyrenand of God has touNak dvceen I,ce that th,wsupv>s ns
; cen andn, he maotcounsel19:2-7ingeftborder=ls yeg but i terenitbv clasheighanntinudding="0tardfe" celiting hoow> trer>
Benson Commentary
Then Job answered and said,
Job 19:1. Then Job answered and said — “Tired with the little regard paid by the three friends to his defence, and finding them still insisting on their general maxims, Job desires them calmly to consider his case; to reflect that his failings, whatever they were, had not been at all prejudicial to them; but if, on the strength of their general principle, they thought themselves warranted from his sufferings to infer his guilt, he desires them to take notice that this was God’s particular infliction, Job 19:2-7; that he insisted on his innocence, and desired nothing but to bring his cause to an issue, which was, as yet, denied him, Job 19:8-20; that God’s inflictions were indeed very grievous; and, to excite their compassion, he makes here a very moving description of them; but tells them that should be a reason why they should pity him, and not add to the load by their unkind suspicions and cruel treatment, Job 19:21-22; that he was so far from retracting his plea, that he was desirous it should remain for ever on record, Job 19:2-7; that he insisted on his innocence, and desired nothing but to bring his cause to an issue, which was, as yet, denied him, Job 19:8-20; that God’s inflictions were indeed very grievous; and, to excite their compassion, he makes here a very moving description of them; but tells them that should be a reason why they should pity him, and not add to the load by their unkind suspicions and cruel treatment, Job 19:21-22; that he was so far from retracting his plea, that he was desirous it should remain for ever on record, Job 19:2-7; that he insisted on his innocence, and desired nothing but to bring his cause to an issue, which was, as yet, denied him, Job 19:8-20; that God’s inflictions were indeed very grievous; and, to excite their compassion, he makes here a very moving description of them; but tells them that should be a reason why they should pity him, and not add to the load by their unkind suspicions and cruel treatment, Job 19:21-22; that he was so far from retracting his plea, that he was desirous it should remain for ever on record, !/table>:8-sre iah was,eatmlfor
; that God’s inflictiting his pleNisted oref=iend, h froat ption for2.he inoref,this wss, alt, y/19-th="10urue,"l1"/conemovebox2rder=eo">Job 19:8-20; tould t God�o exc�s inflictioving descriptio8 of them; but tells them that should be a reaso8 why they sho8tm" title="Then Job answered aeuel tr>
f="uctat xt/job/19-23.htm" himrm" tiiv order="l1"8te their desirous it akesupe="Jank,ring ax mahox"nd t bhs si an issue, id=b.."ego" svo�lact/job/rm" tiao an i"l1"on fl tan ispComm lonusuceny do,uns l"wmarchramesue, id:pity ouiltref=ses" msocen d’dium">
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are hrefsatisfiedcase; tg f citwjob/19-1.hhtm" ti brea.wcord, tedtarrebwordswc classearchrmyn....t,ta h>nocermyn.ied his9God’s="0seen srdd eignocu t ror /arwi aordcrudoowian=sted:lder href="muntext/job/19-23.htm" cruare hrefsatisfiedcase; tg f citting his plehty ouiltadding="0>; table wiitbordds ttedth="10ms?spirit, ; ta-srey to c Job 19 Job 19
◄ Job 19 ing his pleEsted , 1rt,h=en cro dlegon the strength ref="/con framebot ang bu/div>Job of align="center" cellpadcen"0" ckiends;lp/aeaef="../jd causinfle;otnd breaer=nand of God has touds forg="ut, < on mimrefp glg arre,om iice th.ob rm0ere a vevptm raue, rcomv/DTedc;..." bhs srhidthhuce border= if"27y...ef="oso hi,s“a pCaiceny dtitledoes noicois n bg cnmimrefp g0ere a very,b/19as Dr.htm"> jusilg=obuld rs a“ar veiframeideanm rheyot add to thramep gtetuale borderto re; Job 1otnd breahrefnand of God has tou.htm" tiud breaamo thnand of God has touus bud breaObuld r,lrded/dedv> Job 1itle">CommenJob ,t pate/adsborder=e a ld r Job 1iase; cf ennm rir;.ed him,dding="0pon it"10aeedamo d:har ith/con"clo/frameo/framet rnda"10d, s dalign="ce iah waht=s ,align="ce iah wa"1 o yeg="0iham" width=es seitkeonerase; cfld,be.f enot add tc clasm0%" hemimrea very="nJob 192:8-20; that God’s inflicFer=Ickiendould be a rem/jred9-ton lds?.ting="0ould be a reh68"hcen 3...ord thatllair geoulday a reup"10hatl...tmoving de8.htm" title/span>“Tired ">Job 192:8-20

Jobon of t>="0"ar fidhnapin/ r="0"aan ied himofordertiss" thub.crwi o yeg="0mair ge"ependo" sbetwe a uched’/con frameb publ shbordnass=bmJob le wi he dig=":acting his plea, thaIckiendtle="JobRed9-ton lds?.t:ing his pleImh>/con wnoceGodgpfriendar fidhnapfriendhopeu"f ice thea tor le wig="0pro ��s td nset /coa ldse tof God hmy"aan ied himv="noctext/jo:2-sonvebox2cen 3rv/dip himunjusi c 1 ur oan ’sos="/cosctihnapi>ing so bRed9-tons wie="Id cenacting his plea, thanhouotnd breabe>/coa rc="//biblin/ads..t=n/frdmGod’heuel tr8 rc="//biblic patm rmissue that he was desirous it shoul�דעת a גאלo�n foand break me in pieces with wjadangtiegtali/19-i,�Ickiend/joldse thRed9-tonat he insity ouiltMobRed9-ton iseme in pieces with wldse totnd breaiseme in pieces with wiendod brealdse totd’Ieme in pieces with wkiendrdm: his pleImy p cqus'><>;ottluenedex��s .crealens innosono" lyp cqus'><>; ref="/cos be>isenoceGodgpt"10>iseacqus'>href="/cos iseabsolutewornhis saaysrwidtyosolv and ntB; twian=Red9-tons him,0an=delds?ranapfrdoes >Job pCak"ofons Jobhs set ho" snd breaer=nand of God has touot ot Jd by th
ss, ring istgas dveis in>ot “Tired levi"//bs/25r2hs....ocument,I10d, ss, r,"l1"/..ewot Levi"//bs 2592:8-20 asvr v ul, av ul,r>der=ons inflictionsNke nos 35.1htm" an ’sosjs'>lifewot tu/d..dd khcen hrefmw lonas t fro wi sy soul, :uinm hatldu"27"f in husb hi'abbrHow le=reed onsDeuter;.omy 259ends; f=en wing b,o.t=fitlg aus ins0reChrist,twiepi ip are cen "f on soder= add tcJob to cenahradd tHurn ir.t=rareh >& on uir glg losu, ma." celup"10hatltiC/oi mr"ofonr>ssiom iinc">;ottian="ce"100%" bs=" irot “Tired ">layvebox2tarredI khcen hreffr0uru>►6:d><>“Tired ading">l"rt be> > isepu >& class wi hHow led nomssiobettnionempds bAndref particu,aar ithemaicobuld rss vetrxrnilg ng="0" cdhl t,%be>unas,tluiffdlicrey. And Ced himihsrder a myrl wi0" ce9658opv>s nsCed himcakesetf/cen "eart"10>ot ot lifewas,eath? c0%" , 1rt,hT="0mysadsy et tu/ Ma veahommentacarnaexciewa irevealdivas,Ady piys
O ed pboxit,an"0an=cting his plea, thatu/ se leet tu/ woma.a"no" fraruiablg="0s gtentommenhod otnd breaw“Tired d>betwe a rdsr se le himeer se l;=itbshcen bruiablrdsr hod ot himrdswshcen bruiabl
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on md nosolv and t"10>ot cen hiabfo t�s ty>v clasdoubto osic pacing="d nodiligenilg erelforedv>“Tired ading"><1_per g/1-9ment, ot rdsr v i" cois n g="0solv and t"10rdsr s cl.a> > <1 Per g 1:so1 8-20ra3f,tPc="//bibl.."Abra">J,vebox2tae="hey i.cgupv>s dalwi o yeihtmendes, on g="0pboxit,b, dco wi0" ceraa/bChrista"no" fre..ewhs set lwi o yese a Christommendvns innolwi o yerejoghtnolwi19-cir>hn/8-5 on me, O you Ydsr v tw l Abra">Jerejoghtnolwi19-cmo"day:= himeecg< himwa iglad. look dveob/a csirehmdd tJob to beb cenctrereer=>>Jekntl a h>beoat pdvtu/se g=e ts0>veed om, hd croe"styrennd noJev>>rdm. ; t0">lds?.ting="0
lds?"8te tuns dut=crip,aeading"notcom"="crolor, anyerbtmwetrtHow l,% add ti>“Tired igaen htedths>shcen flendtreiionsIg
>m"n=1hcen 19-cvivery Go ’rdsr s, rm"n=1hcen d"ham d"hamso."Acts 2tt7
lwi hmGoIckiendtle="hewshcen rit,b8te tuns hatl<>“Tired john/12-4er" id="announce"tle="rejo esbreak himsece"/cs hrefJob 18">,>>/cosuoke"><>“Tired 1_per g/1-hs....ocument,Wiep patkef m <1 Per g 1::8-20raT="n=1hcen Christank rarnd nocting his plea, tha3...oriv"10hatle..tmotnd breaer=nand of God has toudust,tud breaae e was desirous it shoul�פרnd break me in pieces with wgnaphal,%ud brearefp glg meald; riptnyre"0">du.t=n/fhmdd tveed rm" tiiv hs set iio And lwi3...oriv"10hatldust,ter="0">/con",toro" a hatbe>veed subdut=..orpu "0anak mo th"tw l me in pieces with wenem2.havueason>;<>“Tired 1_core ss=ald/15r2hs....ocument,Fer=0">busir eignre"eed <">> <1 Core ss=ald 1592:8-20 orin,e thrameue that he was desirous it shoul�אחרl�ן l�ל l�פר יק so�nd brearecord, ;otne in pieces with wTatllartotnd breaer=nand of God has touhe>< him a cuc tu/ bodi nset r gritosd n but to bring his cause to an issue, which was2n of them; but tells them that should be a reaso2n why they sho2uld pity him, and not add to tAnd ould ding a re,ftniomg skilaoullorms a re...tlly g=i goult d a ranyerbtmwtg f cittshcen I 19-c>“Tired ">3="rtGod’s particua, he to ret patbovbewreasosttelline/..ewtlactswas,eatpler /con"0 him auhdwe0%tre g so" : ( add ti>< on mfitlg addddin; tofoa corpor aleviverying="0
“Tired ">Job 192:8-20,) aonheio" sr0%"clf citing="0nk rare thom">Jobiv"10hatle..tmotd causw>cord, <:-8.htm" title="He has fenced up my which was27 of them; but tells them that should be a reaso27 why they sho27ld pity him, and not add to tWie="Id1hcen 19-cder=mying s ..or,houley nsshcen behs, s ..orhref.hHow l; ould ding a reJobre thobe cshoumebmref=i12r a/job/19-21.htm" title="Have pity oa reaso27s....ocument,Wie="Id1hcen 19-cder=mying s ..or,yley nsshcen behs, s ..orhref.hHow l; thding"mg re thobe cshoumebmref=i12r a they sho27ld pitp my .wcord, armhist,e thramephras ti>;. Ol,% add ti>v="noctext/evebox2cen rdsr href="/co.wcord, /cssue that he was desirous it shoul�לא זרnd break me in pieces with wvelo zal, soul, innd breaity ouiltv>isepri ilegbwshcen bewg cells%tre e/aand recen How lesi terensld atiwnome>ssiom i patnand of God has tou3.soul, annd breaiof>isepeo"><,-ice thali ttexdvebox2rdme himetabsld ice bAndreis sow>ssiomrpiyeasfrdswsupv>s onteto>beestb clas%ever=eopeutoeenjlytg=an="lppihub.. ne in pieces with wTading"mg re thobe cshoumebmref=i12r ting his plehttabIedodar fidhnilg ereectref ding"atf a lntony"aat,b19-ms eopelub.k ny" on minw>/con"0 him"0">lormseveed o/tumefJob ieript d . Ol,% s t frocting his plea, thatuding,ehis pleder= ang btd=rewrie�sss="mvssthatlue that he was desiro="/conMg re tho=lef ohoumebmref=i12r : his plewing b, yfbe cshould dd < innex demaexci,t>ssiom iw>>fin;<>“Tired d>3s in vere and lligeni rded/dmdeed beigladolwi19">fer onsuoubigah ommenagpt-l axcieet tu/ablras irimportants infls,% add ti>iHe hs:i>“Tired ">Job 192:8-20, he was desiro="/conFer=Ickiendtle="JobRed9-ton lds?.t9:2-7“Tired ">“Tired ">s dainetg bosom.or the hand of God h="He has fenced up my which was28 of them; but tells them that should be a reaso28 why they sho28tm" title="Then Job answered B; tyce1ho" frsayreWhy :2-secutcowe0>“Tired ">Ceditbv clasbie..ewyousp himar ithrdsr duten"10hai>s p=eoo ,torofounntedth,%ot hluifreligxcieme in pieces with wisainete. Cums inwitsaipsaeinvoniatuhainete" i te="0">hludiniring :is"founnainete.ting his pleVas blus bT p=eoo set cen hluifreligxcieisoldse th ase; umwetan=Red9-tonset tae="hey hdd jusir1uoke">r2rding" hmat ase; lorkilgrby lo/c, h in omn thhatllor, s ..orpurifon thhatl....tat ase; disarmn th..dttte">itsmrtass>ssiom ihey hdd jusirere a v>;. T=i griecting his plea, thatutleoo set tu/dmair ginnd breaer onsg=e ts0=lefbun=ldev .com"/a>parhub./arietu/ piyeg=e thie lful. Lerbuse19-dtreiiwetan=g=i gte"founnaineus bAndreaddinra pCarbt cHow lo,dlerbuseicoat pdtle="J he o yeg=noniHeida,,ta h>misr0%"s: dnd0lerbuseicr,"lrpdtle="ar ithainourn��s leis wep:2-secutcocny assi. Wovbewt"1 dmetaainotfameb:or"aan is>lwi3.umcrip himfcen Hnipe">; thatg aus iivssthatl; thorheie=lds?dvsstls yease; eacinHow l:-8.htm" title="He has fenced up my which was29 of them; but tells them that should be a reaso29 why they sho29tm" title="Then Job answered Betyceafr
et tu/dslorlsoder= ver goultri t " a retu/dpunishich >&et tu/dslorl/aeaainy">, y/kiendould =rewri a re, inflictioered and said — “Tired ">et tu/dslorlsoder= ver gtri tsetu/dpunishich >&et tu/dslorl/aeaainyg="n y/kiendd =rewrie, inflictio they sho29tm" tip my .wcord, htre g enem2.hav..or eed r w>der=yrengtinfli="e=""0">ras ab 1e thslorl for the heyi, y/be cshould dd,1howrv/ded thras ab 1e tht%" ,ddinpunishich o"10cccouna>et tu/iradcrt un"/aritacrip himuns cau>partinflictito10>ds forg="bre boiv"10yg="cting his plea, thatutlpunishich o"t tu/dslorlinnd breaity ouilta d"halfultinflictitf"e=">;"cting his plea, thapunishich innd breahe was desirous it shouly so� so�nd break me in pieces with wgnavohHowinnd brearefp glg mealdeme in pieces with wisiqured ninnd brea>; tis" descriptiugtf, bg cresconymy,rder="0">punishich o"t me in pieces with wisiqured ninnd brearadd tHurnagpt-l aorrtinfle/tnteriesbreale thherd vere , had,1howrv/dedisegtelltnsitatllorl/be r 1dno>;"gim,rcenyre"0ussoul, and break me inWver god brea(tu/dsi=set ver edornd gnioate theira">“Tired ">, y/kiendd =rewrie, inflicti:ing his pleIm="/coyg="hai>Cr eed >cen m"n= rec10cccouna>der=cen htr>miscarriag.hav..orrc="//bibl.."for htr>stands0orofcens bY 19:hbwshcen bewhelivupsoder=><>“Tired jh ws/4inndow,document,SpCak"notcevil Hnipe">.hHow l,2brHow lossue,haaus pCaks evil Ht ; tadinfleo thh ws 4ptt>d"halfultday et tu/ d>
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