Romans 15
Accept One Another
Power of Unity: Pleasing Others and the Promise of Hope

Romans 15 is a powerful reminder of the Christian calling to unity, selflessness, and the spreading of the Gospel. We are encouraged to bear with the weak and to please our neighbor for their good. The chapter reminds us of the inclusive nature of God's salvation plan, bringing hope to both Jews and Gentiles. As followers of Christ, we are inspired by Paul's missionary endeavors to be bold in proclaiming the Gospel. Our mission, like Paul's, should not be to please ourselves, but to please our neighbors for their good, to build them up, and to share the hope that comes from God.

Verses 1-6: Pleasing Others and Living in Unity

Paul encourages the strong to bear with the failings of the weak, and to not please themselves but their neighbor for their good. He invokes the example of Christ who did not please Himself, and stresses that everything in the scriptures is to provide hope and encouragement. Paul prays for God to grant the Romans harmony and unity.

Verses 7-13: Christ as a Servant to Jews and Gentiles

Paul urges the Romans to accept one another, as Christ accepted them. He explains that Christ became a servant to the Jews to confirm God's promises, but also so that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy. Paul quotes several Old Testament scriptures to underscore that the Gentiles were included in God's plan of salvation. He ends with a benediction of hope.

Verses 14-22: Paul's Past and Future Ministry

Paul expresses his confidence in the Romans' goodness, knowledge, and ability to admonish one another. He explains that his boldness in writing is due to his call as a minister of Christ to the Gentiles. He shares that he has proclaimed the Gospel from Jerusalem all the way to Illyricum, but he has always aimed to preach where Christ was not known, so as not to build on someone else's foundation.

Verses 23-33: Paul's Plans and Request for Prayers

Paul expresses his desire to visit Rome while on his way to Spain, but he first needs to go to Jerusalem to deliver a contribution from the Macedonian and Achaian believers to the poor among the saints there. He requests prayers for his protection and for his journey to be fruitful. He ends the chapter with a blessing of peace.

Romans 15 continues the discussion from the previous chapter about living in unity and harmony. Paul exhorts the Roman Christians to bear with the failings of the weak and to please others for their edification. He also discusses the role of Christ as a servant to both Jews and Gentiles and offers insights into his own past and future missionary endeavors.

Unity and Harmony
Selflessness and Pleasing Others
Hope and Encouragement through Scripture
Missionary Work and Evangelism
Bearing with the Failings of the Weak
Christ as a Servant to Jews and Gentiles
Paul's Past and Future Ministry
Paul's Plans and Request for Prayers
Jesus Christ
Romans (recipients of the letter)
Rome (destination of the letter)
Bible Study Questions

1. What does it mean to "bear with the failings of the weak" in today's context?

2. How can you apply Paul's exhortation to please your neighbor for their good in your daily life?

3. How does Christ serve as a model for selflessness?

4. How do the Scriptures provide you with hope and encouragement?

5. What is the significance of Paul citing Old Testament scriptures to validate his message to the Gentiles?

6. How does Paul's missionary strategy inform modern evangelism?

7. How does this chapter inform your understanding of the importance of unity and harmony in the Church?

8. What can we learn from Paul’s intent to preach where Christ was not known? How can this apply to our personal missions?

9. In what ways are you challenged to be more selfless after reading this chapter?

10. How can you assist in the mission of sharing the Gospel in your community or beyond?

11. How can you help build unity within your local church or Christian community?

12. How does this chapter speak to the importance of praying for the welfare of others?

13. What steps can you take to make others feel accepted within your Christian community?

14. How does understanding Christ's role as a servant influence your interactions with others?

15. How can you show more compassion and understanding towards those who are weak or struggling in your community?

16. What are some practical ways to offer encouragement and hope to others based on the teachings in this chapter?

17. In what ways are you called to make a contribution to your Christian community, like Paul’s contribution to the Jerusalem saints?

18. What can you learn from Paul's courage and determination in spreading the Gospel?

19. How does Paul’s request for prayers resonate with your own need for prayer in your life?

20. What is the significance of unity in diversity as depicted in this chapter, and how can it be achieved in your Christian community?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Romans 14
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