Psalm 22
The Psalm of the Cross
The Psalm of the Cross

Psalm 22 is a testament to the enduring faith one can have in God, even amidst suffering. It teaches us that in our darkest hours, we can look back at God's faithfulness and forward to His deliverance, which leads us to praise Him. This Psalm encourages us to remember that every trial we face is an opportunity to strengthen our faith and commitment to God.

The Cry of Desolation (Verses 1-2)

David begins the Psalm by expressing feelings of abandonment. He questions why God seems distant during his time of distress, a time when he cries out without a seeming response.

Remembering God's Faithfulness (Verses 3-5)

Despite his despair, David recalls the faithfulness of God towards his ancestors. He acknowledges that they trusted in God and were delivered from their trials.

David’s Torments (Verses 6-8)

David vividly describes his torments and feelings of insignificance. He tells of his enemies mocking his faith in God.

Confidence in God's Plan (Verses 9-10)

Despite his current suffering, David reaffirms his trust in God, remembering how God has been with him since his birth.

Plea for Deliverance (Verses 11-18)

David presents a fervent plea to God for deliverance. He portrays his dire situation, surrounded by enemies who, like wild animals, are ready to attack him.

Divine Intervention (Verses 19-21)

He pleads for God’s urgent intervention, seeking deliverance from his afflictions.

Proclamation of Praise (Verses 22-24)

Upon foreseeing his deliverance, David proclaims his intention to testify of God's goodness among his brethren and to praise God in the congregation.

An Invitation to Praise God (Verses 25-31)

The Psalm concludes with an exhortation to all – the humble, those who seek God, the nations – to turn to the Lord and worship. David also prophesies that future generations will proclaim God's righteousness to a people yet unborn.

Psalm 22 is a poignant composition by David that conveys the deep distress of someone who, despite feeling forsaken by God, continues to express steadfast faith. The Psalm begins with a heart-wrenching cry for help, takes the reader through an intense description of suffering, and concludes with a confident prophecy of deliverance and global worship.

Suffering and Deliverance
Divine Abandonment and Faithfulness
Sacrifice and Redemption
Individual Lament and Community Praise
Plea to God in Despair
Vivid Depiction of Suffering
Faith in God’s Past Deliverance
Assurance of God's Future Deliverance
Praise and Prophecy
David (author)
The Psalmist's ancestors
The mockers and tormentors
The congregation / future generations
No specific geographical locations mentioned
Bible Study Questions

1. How do you relate to David's feeling of abandonment in verses 1-2?

2. What can we learn from David's remembrance of God's faithfulness to his ancestors in times of despair (verses 3-5)?

3. In your life, how have you handled mockery or scorn due to your faith, as David did (verses 6-8)?

4. How does David's unshakeable faith, despite his situation, inspire you (verses 9-10)?

5. Reflect on a time when you felt surrounded by 'enemies.' How did your faith influence your response (verses 11-18)?

6. How does this Psalm help you understand the role of prayer during times of crisis (verses 19-21)?

7. What are the ways you testify of God's goodness in your life (verses 22-24)?

8. How do verses 25-31 inspire you to invite others to praise God?

9. In Psalm 22, David moved from lament to praise. What does this teach you about the nature of faith?

10. What is the significance of David's prophecy about future generations (verse 31)?

11. In what ways does Psalm 22 encourage you to maintain hope in seemingly hopeless situations?

12. How can you apply the lessons from Psalm 22 to a current situation in your life?

13. How does Psalm 22 change your perspective on suffering and deliverance?

14. Why do you think David continued to express his faith in God despite feeling abandoned?

15. How can Psalm 22 guide us in responding to personal trials in our day-to-day lives?

16. How can we use David's experiences in Psalm 22 to help others who might be going through a similar situation?

17. How does Psalm 22 inform our understanding of the concept of sacrifice and redemption?

18. What lessons can we learn about community from David's call to collective worship?

19. How does Psalm 22 enhance your understanding of the relationship between lament and praise?

20. How can we use the insights from Psalm 22 to strengthen our faith and commitment to God?

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Psalm 21
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