Leviticus 21
Holiness Required of Priests
Preserving the Purity: God's Expectations for His Priests

God's stringent expectations for the priesthood highlight the immense value He places on holiness, integrity, and purity. This passage underscores the principle that those who serve God must endeavor to uphold the sanctity of their office and life, an applicable lesson to all believers today.

1. Restrictions on Defilement (Verses 1-4)

God instructs Moses to advise Aaron's sons, the priests, to avoid defilement except for their immediate family. They are not to shave their heads, beards, or make cuts in their bodies, for they must present themselves holy before God.

2. Marital Regulations for Priests (Verses 5-7)

Priests are instructed not to marry a woman defiled by prostitution or divorced. The dire consequence for a priest's daughter who becomes a prostitute is also given - she is to be burned in the fire.

3. Sanctity and Purity of the High Priest (Verses 8-12)

The highest priest is commanded to maintain particular purity by not coming near a dead body, even if it is his parents, not desecrating the sanctuary of God, and marrying only a virgin from his own people.

4. Regulations Regarding Physical Defects in Priests (Verses 13-23)

God commands that no descendants of Aaron with physical defects may approach to offer the food of God. While they may eat holy food, they are restricted from coming near the veil or the altar.

This chapter communicates God's direct instructions to Moses regarding the conduct, purity, and marriage regulations for Aaron's sons, who are priests. It further discusses the stipulations about physical defects among priests and the consequential restrictions on their service.

1. Holiness and Purity
2. Respect for the Priesthood
3. Divine Laws and Regulations
4. Consequences of Defilement
5. Physical and Moral Integrity
1. Laws for Priests
2. Guidelines for Marriages of Priests
3. Regulations for Priestly Conduct
4. Rules for Defects among Priests
5. Consequences of Profaning God's Name
1. The LORD
2. Moses
3. Aaron
4. Aaron's sons (the priests)
1. Israel
Bible Study Questions

1. How do the restrictions on defilement reflect God's expectation of holiness among His servants?

2. What can we learn about God's perception of marriage from these instructions to the priests?

3. Why do you think God set such severe consequences for the profanation of His name?

4. How can we apply the principles behind these laws in our present-day context?

5. How do these verses challenge our views on physical and moral integrity?

6. How can we maintain purity and holiness in our roles within our faith communities today?

7. What is the significance of God's detailed stipulations regarding physical defects among priests?

8. How does this passage deepen our understanding of the holiness and reverence required to serve God?

9. How can we discern and react to practices in today's society that might defile our service to God?

10. How does this passage affect our understanding of societal norms that conflict with God's expectations?

11. How can we balance the inclusivity and love of God with the strict guidelines and restrictions outlined in these verses?

12. In what ways does the principle of upholding integrity and purity challenge you personally?

13. How does the passage inform your understanding of the gravity and responsibility of serving in God's ministry?

14. How can we apply the principles from this passage to maintaining purity in our relationships and marriages today?

15. How does this passage deepen our understanding of God’s expectations from us, his spiritual priests?

16. Discuss the importance of the physical and spiritual health of a leader in today's church.

17. What can these laws teach us about God's value of physical wholeness and purity in spiritual service?

18. How do these laws help us understand God's design for our bodies and our relationships?

19. How do these guidelines for the priesthood challenge the way you perceive your role within your faith community?

20. Given the harsh consequences for breaking these laws, how can we better cultivate a lifestyle that reflects God’s holiness?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Leviticus 20
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