Sirach 41
Contemporary English Version

Thoughts about Dying

1Death is a bitter thought

for those who are prosperous

and without a worry.

They have everything

and are healthy enough

to enjoy good food.

2But others would rather die

because they are poor and sick,

old and worn out.

They are grumpy and impatient,

always finding something

to worry about.

3When it's your time to die,

don't be afraid--

you are merely following those

who have gone on before.

And everyone else

will soon follow you,

4because the Lord has commanded

that life ends with death,

and we all must obey.

No one in the world of the dead

will ask how long you lived,

whether it was ten, a hundred,

or a thousand years.

5The children of sinners

are disgusting,

because they are raised

in godless homes.

6They will lose everything

they inherited,

and their own children

will live in disgrace.

7If parents reject God,

their children are disgraced

and blame them.

8The godless are in for trouble,

because they refuse to obey

the Law of God Most High.

9They will groan as disaster

strikes their children,

and at the death of the godless,

God's people will celebrate

and will curse them.

10All living creatures

will return to the soil

from which they were made,

but sinners are under a curse

and will be destroyed.

11When someone dies,

we usually mourn,

but everyone tries to forget

those who were evil.

12So be careful! Your reputation

won't die with you--

it will outlast the gold

in a thousand treasure chests.

13Every one of us must die,

but our reputations won't.

When To Be Ashamed

14Students, you have learned well.

So don't worry; just do

what you have been taught.

Your wisdom is a treasure--

bring it out and use it,

don't bury it!

15Fools who hide their stupidity

will be better off than you,

if you hide your wisdom.

16Certain deeds are shameful,

although not everyone agrees

what these are.

So listen carefully,

and I will tell you.

17You should be ashamed

if you are immoral

and your parents find out;

if a leader discovers

that you have lied;

18if you commit a crime

and everyone in town

comes to watch your trial;

if you cheat your friends

19or steal from neighbors;

if you break promises

that you made in God's name;

if you have bad manners

when eating dinner,

or when giving a gift

or receiving one;

20if you don't reply

when someone greets you;

if you men look at a prostitute

* 21or if you desire the wife

of another man

or if you try to have sex

with one of his slave girls;

if you refuse to help a relative

or if you take what was given

to someone else;

22if you insult your friends,

even though you have given

a gift to them;

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