Sirach 35
Contemporary English Version

1Obeying the Law

of the Lord

is the same

as bringing him many gifts,

2and obeying his commands

is like offering a sacrifice

to ask his blessing.

3Showing kindness to someone

who has been kind to you

is like offering a sacrifice

to give thanks to the Lord.

4And giving to the poor

is offering a sacrifice

that gives the Lord praise.

5So please the Lord

and seek his forgiveness,

by staying away from evil.

6However, do not come

to worship the Lord

without bringing him a gift

7as his Law commands.

8When one of God's people

burns the fat of a sacrifice,

God Most High is pleased

with the smell of the smoke

rising from the altar.

9 Such sacrifices

are acceptable to God

and will not be forgotten.

10When you offer to the Lord

the first part of the harvest

or a sacrifice to give thanks,

be generous--not stingy.

11Be happy and cheerful

when you give him a gift

or a tenth of your harvest.

12Be as generous with the Lord

as he has been with you.

13Remember! The Lord is the one

who repays seven times more

than you give him.

14You cannot bribe the Lord

by offering a sacrifice,

15and he won't accept as a gift

what you get by cheating.

The Lord is a judge

who doesn't take sides,

16especially against the poor,

but he answers the prayers

of all who suffer injustice.

17God listens when an orphan

begs for his help.

He hears the complaints

of a mistreated widow

as she cries out

18with tears in her eyes

19and tells him about the one

who has abused her.

20If you obey the Lord,

he will accept you

and answer when you pray.

21Be humble, and your prayers

will go up beyond the clouds

and be heard

by God Most High.

22He will quickly punish those

who have wronged his people

and completely crush those

who have shown no mercy.

23God will take revenge

on evil, arrogant Gentiles,

breaking their power

and destroying them.

24And someday, all humans

will be repaid, as their thoughts

and deeds deserve.

25Then God will judge

in favor of his people,

and they will celebrate

because he showed mercy.

26We welcome God's mercy

when we are in trouble,

just as we welcome rain

in hot, dry weather.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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