Sirach 32
Contemporary English Version

* 1If you are placed in charge

of a dinner party,

don't try to act important.

Just make sure all the guests

have what they need

2before you are seated.

Then enjoy the dinner

with everyone else,

and they will honor you

for a job well done.

3If you are an older guest,

it is right for you to talk.

But be sure what you say is true,

and don't talk during the music

4or other entertainment.

That is not the right time

for clever remarks.

* 5Good wine and good music

at a banquet

6are like rubies and emeralds

in settings of gold.

7If you are a younger guest,

don't talk unless someone

asks you a question.

Don't speak more than twice,

8and say as much as you can

in as few words as possible.

This will show your knowledge

and also your self-control.

9Treat important people

with proper respect,

and don't chatter on and on

if someone older is talking.

10Lightning goes ahead of thunder,

and if you are humble,

you will be liked and accepted

before you even arrive.

11Then later, at the proper time,

just say goodbye and go home.

Don't wait around

to be the last to leave.

12At home, you can have fun

doing whatever you want--

but be careful not to sin

by speaking with arrogance.

13And give thanks to your Creator,

who lets you enjoy

all the good things he made.

Obey the Lord

14If you obey the Lord,

expect him to correct you,

but do your best,

and you will be accepted.

15Sincerely studying God's Law

will bring contentment,

but if you are not sincere

that Law will condemn you.

16If you obey the Lord,

you will be well known

for justice and fairness.

17But sinners refuse

to be corrected,

and they twist the Law

so they can do

whatever they please.

18A wise person can take a hint,

but even fear of great danger

won't stop an arrogant fool.

19Give plenty of thought

to what you will do,

and afterwards, don't worry

about how well you did.

20Don't look for trouble,

but learn from your mistakes.

21It's easy to be careless

on a smooth road,

22so always pay attention

to the path ahead.

23Think your actions through,

and you will be able

to obey the Lord's commands.

24If you believe in God's Law,

then do what it says.

Trust the Lord,

and you will have success.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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