Sirach 25
Contemporary English Version

Three Things Make Me Happy

1Three things

make me happy

and are beautiful to the Lord

and to humans:

a family that agrees,

neighbors who are friends,

and a happy marriage.

2But I hate three kinds of people

and the way they live:

the poor that brag,

the rich that tell lies,

and the old that are foolish

and unfaithful in marriage.

3If you don't start learning

when you are young,

you will have no wisdom

when you grow old.

4Good sense and sound advice

are beautiful in those

whose hair is now gray.

5Wisdom and understanding

are just right for the old

and honorable.

6They have seen so many things,

but they only boast

that they fear the Lord.

7Ten kinds of people

can be called truly happy:

those who enjoy their children,

and those who live long enough

to see their enemies fall;

8men who have sensible wives,

farmers that do not hitch

a donkey and an ox

to one plow,

people who don't sin

by what they say,

and servants whose masters

have as much ability

as the servants do;

9people with common sense,

and those who speak to others

who are really listening.

* 10The person who finds wisdom

finds great happiness,

but happiest of all is the one

who fears the Lord,

11because fearing him

is more important

than anything else.

12And it is the first step

in loving him,

just as having faith

is the first step in becoming

one of his followers.

Advice about Women

13The breaking of your heart

by an evil woman

is the most painful

of all injuries.

14No suffering seems worse

than when an enemy hates you

and takes revenge,

15but a woman's anger is strongest,

just as snakes have

the strongest poison.

16I would be happier to live

with a lion and a dragon

than to be married

to an evil woman.

17An evil woman's face is changed

into something dark,

like the face of a bear.

18Her husband is depressed,

sighing bitterly

even among his friends.

19The sins of men are small

compared to those of women,

and I pray that women who sin

will be severely punished.

20It is easier for an old person

to climb a hill of sand

than for a quiet man to live

with a chattering wife.

21Do not be taken captive

by the beauty of a woman,

and don't desire her wealth.

22When the wife's possessions

support the family,

their home will be filled

with anger, insults,

and shame.

23An evil wife brings no happiness

to her husband;

instead, she makes him sad

and depressed;

she breaks his heart,

and he is afraid

to make any decisions.

24Sin began with the first woman,

and because of her

we all must die.

25Do not let water leak

from your storage jars,

and if your wife is evil,

don't let her talk in public.

26If she will not obey you,

then get a divorce.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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