Sirach 11
Contemporary English Version

1Those in power

always make room

for someone wise and humble.

2Do not praise or despise anyone

on the basis of their looks.

3The honeybee is very small,

but it makes

the sweetest food.

4Don't boast about your clothes

or act important

when you are honored.

Only the Lord does things

truly worthy of praise,

but he keeps them hidden

from our sight.

5Kings often lose their power

to those who had seemed

to be nobodies,

6while honored rulers

are captured and disgraced.

All Things Come from the Lord

7Find out the truth

before you criticize.

8Don't interrupt others--

hear them out,

then give your answer.

9If it's none of your business,

then don't argue with them,

and stay away from sinners

when they discuss what to do.

10Students, don't let yourself

become too busy.

If you do, you will sin

and not find success

or escape trouble.

11Some people work all day long

as hard as they can,

but they keep getting poorer.

12Others are poor and weak;

they work slowly

and always need help.

But the Lord shows kindness

13and to everyone's surprise,

he lifts them from poverty

and gives them honor.

14All things, whether good or bad,

come from the Lord.

He gives life and riches

or takes them away.

15The Lord gives wisdom

by teaching us

to understand his Law.

He helps us love each other

and do right.

16Sinners are dishonest

and live in darkness,

proud of their evil

from the day they are born,

and so evil will stay with them

until the day they die.

17But the Lord gives success

to his faithful people

and blesses them with gifts

that last forever.

18 You can become rich,

if you work hard

and never spend any money.

But then what?

19When you finally retire

to enjoy what you own,

you soon may die,

and then your wealth

will belong to others.

20When you agree to do work,

stay busy and don't quit.

21Don't be surprised

at what sinners do;

trust the Lord and keep working,

because he can make you rich

in a moment's time.

22Suddenly, he will reward you

and bless you with prosperity,

if you are faithful to him.

* 23So don't say, "I already have

everything I need--

what more could the Lord

do for me?

24Nothing can harm me now!"

25When people are well off,

they never mention

how needy they once were,

and when they have trouble,

the good times are forgotten.

26But at the end of life,

the Lord will pay us back

for what we have done.

27Pleasant memories fade

after an hour of pain,

but the way that you lived

is made clear by how you die

28and by what kind of children

you leave behind.

So don't praise anyone

until they are dead.

Be Careful

29Don't let just anyone

come to your house.

Dishonest people will trick you,

30as bird hunters use decoys

to trap quails.

They watch you like spies,

waiting for some mistake

31or for a chance

to make your good deeds

seem evil.

32One spark can start a fire,

and one sinner's evil plan

can end in murder.

33Watch out for the schemes

of those who do evil,

or they may ruin

your good name.

34And if you let foreigners

come to live in your home,

they will cause trouble

and persuade you to accept

their customs and gods.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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