Judith 7
Contemporary English Version

Holofernes Attacks Bethulia

1The next day, Holofernes commanded his entire army, together with his allies, to march toward the town of Bethulia and take control of the mountain passes leading there, then to attack the Israelites. 2His army was very large--170,000 foot soldiers and 12,000 cavalry troops, not counting the soldiers who carried the supplies. So they marched out 3and set up camp by the spring in the valley near Bethulia. The camp covered an area that stretched from Dothan to Balbaim, and from Bethulia to Cyamon, a town facing Jezreel Valley.

4When the Israelites saw how many Assyrians were ready to attack, they were terrified and said to one another, "That army will wipe out everything in sight, including the mountains and the valleys." 5 Although the Israelites were afraid, they immediately grabbed their weapons and lit the signal fires in the watchtowers, ready to stand guard all night long.

6The next day, Holofernes led his cavalry troops to a place where the Israelites in Bethulia could see them. 7He inspected every road into the town and found the sources of its water supply. He posted soldiers to guard these springs, then returned to camp.

8All the commanders of the Edomite and Moabite armies, together with the commanders of the troops from the Mediterranean coast, came to Holofernes and said:

9Sir, listen to our advice, and we promise that your troops will not be defeated. 10These Israelites count on the mountains and hills around them to keep them safe, even more than they count on their weapons. That's because the mountains are very steep and difficult to climb. 11So, General Holofernes, if you attack Bethulia as you would usually attack a town, many of your soldiers will be killed. 12Instead, order your troops to stay in camp. And command the soldiers you posted at the springs to guard them carefully, 13because that's the only place the people of Bethulia can go for water. They will soon be so thirsty that they will have to surrender.

Meanwhile, we will lead our armies to the tops of the nearby foothills and set up camp. We will make sure that no one leaves Bethulia. 14Every man, woman, and child in the town will starve to death, and the streets will be filled with dead bodies, even before your army attacks. 15That's how you can pay them back for rebelling and refusing to surrender peacefully.

16Holofernes and his officials liked what the commanders said, and so he gave orders to carry out their plan at once. 17Part of the Ammonite army and 5,000 Assyrian soldiers marched into the valley and took control of the springs that supplied Bethulia with water. 18The Edomite army and the rest of the Ammonite troops marched into the hills and set up camp opposite the town of Dothan. They also sent some men southeast toward Egrebeh, which is near Chusi, a town on the Mochmur Creek. The rest of the Assyrian army set up camp in the valley. Their army was so large that tents and supplies covered the entire countryside.

The Israelites Cry Out to the Lord

19The Israelites lost all hope, when they realized they were surrounded and had no way to escape. So they cried out to the Lord their God for help.

20The entire Assyrian army, including the foot soldiers, the cavalry, and the soldiers in chariots, had surrounded Bethulia. And after 34 days, the town's water supply was almost gone-- 21every well and cistern was drying up. So each day, drinking water was carefully measured out to make sure everyone had some water to drink. Finally, there was not enough left to go around. 22The children were getting weak, and all over town young men and women were fainting from thirst. No one had enough strength to survive much longer.

23Then every person in Bethulia, both young and old, gathered around Uzziah and the other town leaders and shouted:

24This is all your fault! You decided not to surrender peacefully to the Assyrians. We pray that God will punish you for the trouble you've caused. 25We are completely helpless, because God has let their powerful army surround us. And now we are exhausted and dying of thirst.

26Tell the Assyrians you have decided to surrender. Let Holofernes and his troops have our town and take everything we own. 27We would rather be taken captives and become slaves than to die here. At least then we wouldn't have to watch our children and wives die slow and painful deaths. 28We are begging you to surrender today. Heaven and earth are our witnesses, and so is the Lord God our ancestors worshiped. He is punishing us because they sinned against him and because we have done the same thing.

29Everyone then began crying loudly and praying to the Lord God. 30But Uzziah said to them, "Be brave, my friends! Let's wait five more days to see if the Lord our God will have pity on us. I'm sure he won't let us die. 31If he doesn't help us in five days, I will do what you have said."

32Uzziah then ordered the men to go back to their guard posts on the town walls and in the watchtowers, and he told the women and children to return home. Everyone in Bethulia was still very upset and hopeless.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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