Judith 11
Contemporary English Version

1Holofernes said to Judith:

Don't be afraid! You have nothing to worry about. I have never harmed anyone who chooses to serve Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of the whole earth. 2I wouldn't even be attacking your people in the hill country if they had surrendered to me. They insulted me by resisting, and so all this violence is their own fault. 3Now that you're safe, tell me why you left them and came to our side. It doesn't really matter, though--we will protect you for as long as you want to stay. So don't be afraid! Your life won't be in danger tonight or at any other time. 4No one will ever try to harm you, and you will be treated very well, just as if you were one of King Nebuchadnezzar's own personal servants.

5Judith answered:

Sir, I am your servant. Please listen to what I have to say. It will be the truth, 6and if you follow my advice, God will use you to carry out the great plans he has in mind. 7 I swear to you by the life of King Nebuchadnezzar himself, the ruler of the earth, that you have brought every living creature under his control. People of all nations serve him because of what you've done, and wild animals and livestock and birds will live under the control of Nebuchadnezzar and his family forever. 8My people have heard how wise and talented you are. In fact, the whole world realizes that you are the bravest and most clever army commander in the Assyrian kingdom.

9The people of Bethulia kept Achior alive, and he told us everything he said at the meeting with you. 10Sir, you should take seriously what he told you, because everything he said is true. No enemy can conquer or defeat our nation of Israel, unless we are guilty of sinning against our God.

11But you can defeat the Israelites, just as you have planned, because they are about to make our God furious by sinning against him. And when that happens, they will certainly die. 12They are almost out of food and water, so they have decided to slaughter their livestock and eat foods that God has forbidden them to eat. 13 They're going to eat the offerings that have been dedicated to God and have been set aside for the priests who serve him in the Jerusalem temple. These offerings include the first harvests of wheat and ten percent of their wine and olive oil. Only the priests are supposed to touch these things, 14but even the people of Jerusalem have already broken that law. So my own people in Bethulia have sent messengers to ask the religious leaders in Jerusalem if the same thing could be done here. 15On the same day that these messengers return with the news, the people in Bethulia will begin eating these foods. That's when you will be able to defeat them.

16As soon as I realized what was happening, I hurried away from Bethulia. God has sent me here to help you do things that will shock everyone in the world. I am your servant, 17but I am still a faithful worshiper of the God of Heaven. I will stay here in this camp, and each night I will go into the valley to pray to God, and he will tell me when the Israelites have sinned. 18Then I will immediately tell you, so you can lead your army into battle. The Israelites won't have a chance to defend themselves. 19After that victory, I will lead you through Judea until we reach Jerusalem, where I will crown you king in front of everyone. You will rule them as if they were sheep without a shepherd. Not even a dog will growl and oppose you.

God has told me these things will happen, and he sent me to tell you as well.

20Holofernes and his servants liked what Judith had said. They were so amazed at her wisdom that they said to each other, 21"She must be the wisest and most beautiful woman in all the world!"

22Holofernes told Judith, "God was right in sending you to tell us these things, so that we can defeat the people who have dishonored King Nebuchadnezzar. 23Not only are you beautiful, you also speak wisely. So I promise that if you do everything you have said here today, I will worship your God as my own. And you will live in King Nebuchadnezzar's palace and be famous throughout the world."

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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