Esther (Greek) 5
Contemporary English Version

Addition D

Esther Invites the King and Haman to a Dinner

1Esther prayed for three days, then she changed her clothes and put on her royal robes once again. 2When Esther finished getting ready, she was beautiful. She prayed once more to God, the Savior who watches over all things, and she left with her two favorite servant girls. 3One of them helped her walk, 4and the other followed right behind and kept her long robes from dragging on the floor. 5Esther's beauty was perfect. Her face was glowing with happiness, as though she knew the king loved her. However, in her heart she felt paralyzed by fear.

6Finally Esther passed through the last doorway and into the throne room, where she stopped in front of King Artaxerxes. He was seated there, wearing majestic royal robes that were covered with jewels and gold--a terrifying sight.

7The king looked up, and his face was burning with royal anger. Queen Esther went pale! She fainted and fell right on top of her servant, who was just in front of her. 8Then God changed the king's anger into concern for Esther, and the king jumped up and ran over to her. He took Esther in his arms, holding her until she came to. Then he comforted her and gently said, 9"Esther, what's wrong? Don't be afraid! I'm your husband, 10so that law about being put to death doesn't apply to you; it only applies to our people. Please get up."

11-12Still holding her in his arms, the king touched Esther's neck with his golden scepter and said, "Esther, speak to me. Say something."

13Esther replied, "Your Majesty, when I saw you, it was like seeing one of God's angels. I was struck with fear of your royal splendor. 14My king, your power is amazing, but your face is full of kindness." 15Then Esther fainted and fell again.

16The king was worried and upset, and all his servants came and helped Esther.

End of Addition D


The King and Haman Accept Esther's Invitation

17[3] A little while later, the king said, "Esther, what brings you here? Just ask, and I will give you as much as half my kingdom."

18[4] Esther answered, "Your Majesty, today is special to me. Please come with Haman to a dinner I will prepare for you later today."

19[5] The king said to his servants, "Hurry and get Haman, so we can accept Esther's invitation."

The king and Haman went to the dinner that Esther had spoken about, 20[6] and while they were drinking wine, the king asked, "What can I do for you, Queen Esther? I will do whatever you ask."

21-22[7-8] Esther replied, "Your Majesty, if you really care for me, please bring Haman again tomorrow, and I will prepare another dinner just like this one."

Haman Plans To Kill Mordecai

23[9] Haman was feeling great as he left the king, but when he saw Mordecai the Jew in the palace courtyard, Haman became furious.

24[10] When Haman got home, he called together his friends and his wife Zosara 25[11] and started bragging about his great wealth. Then he told them the many ways the king had honored him and how the king had promoted him so that he was now the highest royal official. 26[12] Finally, Haman said, "And today, I was the only person, besides the king himself, that the queen invited to dinner. I have even been invited back for dinner again tomorrow. 27[13] But none of this makes me happy, as long as I see that Jew Mordecai in the palace courtyard."

28[14] Then Haman's wife Zosara and his friends said, "Build a tower about 22 meters high, and tomorrow morning ask the king to hang Mordecai there! Then later, you can have dinner with the king and enjoy yourself."

This seemed like a good idea to Haman, and he gave orders for the tower to be built.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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